

Autochthonous IPA [ɔːˈtɒk-θə-nəs] Sounds Like (aw- tok -thuh-nuhs) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (aw) Begin with the 'aw' sound as in 'short'. Second syllable (tok) (stress) Start with a T sound, followed by a short 'o' sound as in 'hot', and end with a K sound. Third syllable (thuh) Begin with a TH sound as in 'thin', followed by a schwa sound. Fourth syllable (nuhs) Start with an N sound, followed by a schwa ...


Apotheosis IPA [əˌpɑː-θiˈoʊ-sɪs] Sounds Like (uh-pah-thi- oh -sis) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (uh) Begin with a schwa sound (ə), which is a neutral, unstressed vowel sound like the 'a' in 'about'. Second syllable (pah) less stress Start with a P sound followed by an 'ah' sound as in 'father'. Third syllable (thi) Begin with a TH sound as in 'thin', followed by a long 'ee' sound as in 'see'. Fourth syl...


Avenger IPA [əˈvɛn-dʒər] Sounds Like (uh- ven -jur) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (uh) Begin with a schwa sound (ə), which is a neutral, unstressed vowel sound like the 'a' in 'about'. Second syllable (ven) (stress) Start with a V sound, followed by the 'e' sound as in 'bed', and end with an N sound. Third syllable (jur) Begin with a J sound, followed by a schwa sound, and end with an R sound.


Authenticity IPA [ˌɔː-θenˈtɪs-ɪ-ti] Sounds Like (aw-then- tis -i-tee) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (aw) less stress Begin with the 'aw' sound as in 'short'. Second syllable (then) Start with a TH sound as in 'thin', followed by 'e' as in 'bed', and end with an N sound. Third syllable (tis) stress Begin with a T sound, followed by a short 'i' as in 'sit', and end with an S sound. Fourth syllable (i) ...


Authentication IPA [ɔːˌθɛn-tɪˈkeɪ-ʃᵊn] Sounds Like (aw-then-ti- kay -sh'n) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (aw) less stress Begin with the 'aw' sound as in 'short'. This is a long vowel sound made with rounded lips. Second syllable (then) Start with a TH sound as in 'thin', followed by the 'e' sound as in 'bed', and end with an N sound. Third syllable (ti) Begin with a T sound followed by a short 'i' sound as in 'si...


Andromeda IPA [ænˈdrɒm-ɪ-də] Sounds Like (an- drom -i-duh) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (an) Begin with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by an N sound. Second syllable (drom) (stress) Start with a D sound, followed by an R sound, then a short 'o' sound as in 'hot', and end with an M sound. Third syllable (i) A short 'i' sound as in 'sit'. Fourth syllable (duh) Start with a D sound and end with a...


Anaconda IPA [ˌæn-əˈkɒn-də] Sounds Like (an-uh- kon -duh) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (an) less stress Start with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by an N sound. Second syllable (uh) A quick schwa sound, like the 'a' in 'about'. Third syllable (kon) stress Begin with a K sound, followed by a short 'o' sound as in 'hot', and end with an N sound. Fourth syllable (duh) Start with a D sound and end...