
How to pronounce Volkswagen

The word "Volkswagen," which means "people's car" in German, is pronounced "Fohlks-vah-gen." To say it correctly, start with "Volks," where the "V" sounds like an "F," the "o" like the "o" in "go," and the "lks" as a soft "l" followed by a hard "k" and "s." For "Wagen," the "W" sounds like a "V," the "a" like the "a" in "father," the "g" is hard like in "go," and the "en" is a short "e" followed by a soft "n." The emphasis is on the first syllable, so it’s "FOHLKS-vah-gen." Avoid saying "Volks-wagon," as the correct ending is "vah-gen." Practice slowly, focusing on the "F" and "V" sounds, and listen to native speakers for guidance. With time and repetition, you’ll master the pronunciation and say ...

How to pronounce Mephaath (correctly)

mephaath Pronunciation : MEH-fay-ath Meaning : Food (MEH) Start with 'M' sound, followed by 'eh' sound as in "met". (fay) A 'fay' sound, like in "fey". (ath) Begin with an 'a' sound, followed by 'th' sound (like in "path").

How to pronounce Mattatha (correctly)

Mattatha Pronunciation : mat-uh-thuh Meaning : Gift of God (mat) Start with 'm' sound, followed by short 'a' as in "cat", then 't' sound. (uh) A 'uh' sound, like the 'a' in "about". (thuh) Begin with 'th' sound as in "think", followed by 'uh' sound like the 'a' in "about".

How to pronounce Esdraelon (correctly)

Esdraelon Pronunciation : ez-druh-EE-lon Meaning : Valley in northern Israel (ez) Start with 'e' sound as in "egg", followed by a 'z' sound. (druh) A 'dr' sound followed by 'uh' sound, like the 'a' in "about". (EE) A long 'ee' sound, like in "see" (emphasized syllable). (lon) Begin with an 'l' sound, followed by the 'on' sound as in "lawn".

How to pronounce Cepher (correctly)

Cepher Pronunciation : SEH-fer Meaning : Book (SEH) Start with 'S' sound as in "set", followed by 'eh' sound like in "chef". (fer) Begin with 'f' sound, followed by 'er' sound (like the ending in "offer").

How to pronounce Eloah (correctly)

Eloah Pronunciation : eh-LOH-ah Meaning : Hebrew word for God (eh) Start with 'e' sound as in "bed". (LOH) Emphasized syllable. Begin with 'l' sound, followed by 'oh' sound (like in "go"). (ah) End with 'ah' sound, like the 'a' in "father".

How to pronounce Ratsach (correctly)

Ratsach Pronunciation : rat-sach Meaning : To kill, murder (rat) Start with 'r' sound as in "red", followed by 'a' as in "cat", ending with 't' sound. (sach) Begin with 's' sound as in "say", followed by 'a' as in "father", ending with 'ch' sound as in "Bach".