Ability Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)
Say “ability” like Americans and British. [pronunciation checked by experts and native speakers.]
How to pronounce Ability
We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Ability. You should know that ability is pronounced differently in American and British English.
- US: /əˈbɪl.ə.t̬i/
- UK: /əˈbɪl.ə.ti/
Sounds like:
- US: (uh-BIL-uh-tee)
- UK: (uh-BIL-uh-tee)
(1). First syllable, pronounce with unstressed. /ə/, (uh).
- /ə/: pronounce as “a” in sofa, above, alone, around, alaska.
(2). Second syllable, pronounce with stressed. /ˈbɪl/, (BIL).
- /b/: pronounce as “b” in boy, big, bad, buy, book.
- /ɪ/: pronounce as “i” in sit, bit, hit, mit.
- /l/: pronounce as “l” in love, light, late, leaf, life.
(3). Third syllable, pronounce with unstressed. /ə/, (uh).
- /ə/: pronounce as “a” in sofa, above, alone, around, alaska.
(4). Fourth syllable, pronounce with unstressed. /t̬i/, (tee) in American English and /ti/, (tee) in British English.
- US: /t̬i/: (flap “t” like quick “d” sound) pronounce as “tt” in fitting, pretty, cutting, sitting, tatty.
- UK: /ti/: pronounce as “t” in to, at, it, cat, bat.
- /i/: pronounce as “ee” in see, tee, free.
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