Aphrodisiac Pronunciation 100% correct. (American & British English)
Say “aphrodisiac” like Americans and British. Pronounce “aphrodisiac” with easy guide. [ Pronunciation checked by experts. ]
How to pronounce Aphrodisiac
We shared IPA Pronunciation Guide, Sound Like Words, and correct pronunciation of Aphrodisiac. You should know that aphrodisiac is pronounced differently in American and British English.
- US: [ ˌæf - rə - ˈdɪz - ˈdiː - ʒæk ]
- UK: [ ˌæf - rə - ˈdɪz - i - æk ]
Sounds like:
- US: ( af - ruh - DIZ - dee - zhak )
- UK: ( af - ruh - DIZ - ee - ak )
Listen audio pronunciation: Aphrodisiac - (Cambridge Dictionary).
(1). First syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ æf ] in both American and British English, ( af ).
- [ æ ]: pronounce as “a” in cat, hat, bat, mat, sat.
- [ f ]: pronounce as “f” in fun, find, few, feet, fate.
(2). Second syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ rə ] in both American and British English, ( ruh ).
- [ r ]: pronounce as “r” in run, red, race, radio, rice.
- [ ə ]: ( schwa ) pronounce as “a” in sofa, above, alone, around, alaska.
(3). Third syllable, pronounce with stressed. [ dɪz ] in both American and British English, ( DIZ ).
- [ d ]: pronounce as “d” in dish, done, kid, dive, done.
- [ ɪ ]: pronounce as “i” in hit, sit, pit, bit, fit.
- [ z ]: pronounce as “z” in zip, zoo, zigzag, quiz, zoom.
(4). Fourth syllable, pronounce with unstressed. [ diː ] in American English and [ i ] in British English, ( dee / ee ).
- [ d ]: [ use: US ] pronounce as “d” in dish, done, kid, dive, done.
- [ iː ]: [ use: US ] pronounce as “ee” in need, seed, meet, free.
- [ i ]: [ use: UK ] pronounce as “ee” in keep, need, free, see.
(5). Fifth syllable, pronounce with stressed in American English and unstressed in British English. [ ʒæk ] in American English and [ æk ] in British English, ( zhak / ak ).
- [ ʒ ]: [ use: US ] pronounce as “zh” in measure, treasure, azure, garage.
- [ æ ]: pronounce as “a” in cat, hat, bat, mat, sat.
- [ k ]: pronounce as “k” in kick, kite, keep, key, kid.
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