
Showing posts from October, 2024

Apphia Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Apphia" with our comprehensive guide. This biblical name has Greek origins and requires careful attention to each syllable. Apphia Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈæf.i.ə/ Sounds Like (AF-ee-uh) Breakdown First syllable (AF) (stress) Make the "a" sound like in "cat", then add the "f" sound. This syllable gets the main emphasis. Second syllable (ee) Say a long "ee" sound, just like the "y" in "baby". Third syllable (uh) End with a soft "uh" sound, similar to the "a" in "about".

Apostasy Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Apostasy" - a word meaning the abandonment of religious beliefs. Follow our guide to pronounce it perfectly. Apostasy Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈpɒs.tə.si/ Sounds Like (uh-POS-tuh-see) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like when you say "uh" in "about". Second syllable (POS) (stress) Make the "o" sound like in "hot", followed by "s". This is the strongest part of the word. Third syllable (tuh) A soft "tuh" sound, like when you start saying "today". Fourth syllable (see) End with a clear "see" sound, just like the word "see" in English.

Apollos Pronunciation Guide - Learn Greek God's Name [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Apollos" with our comprehensive guide. Discover how to properly say this ancient Greek name with confidence. Apollos Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈpɒl.əs/ Sounds Like (uh-POL-uhs) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about". Keep it light and relaxed. Second syllable (POL) (stress) This is the strongest part of the word. Make a "p" sound followed by "ol" like in "polite". It rhymes with "ball". Third syllable (uhs) End with a soft "us" sound, like the end of "bonus". It's quick and gentle, similar to how you say the end of "circus".

Apocrypha Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right

Master the correct pronunciation of "Apocrypha" with our comprehensive guide. Learn to pronounce this theological term with confidence. Apocrypha Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈpɒk.rɪ.fə/ Sounds Like (uh-POK-rih-fuh) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about". Second syllable (POK) (stress) Make a "p" sound followed by "ok" like in "pocket", but shorter. Third syllable (rih) The "ri" sound like in "rich", but softer and quicker. Fourth syllable (fuh) End with a soft "fuh" sound, like the end of "sofa".

Aphiah Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Aphiah" with our comprehensive guide. This biblical name carries historical significance and requires precise pronunciation. Aphiah Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈfaɪ.ə/ Sounds Like (uh-FIE-uh) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, just like when you say "about". Keep it short and relaxed. Second syllable (FIE) (stress) This is the main sound - say it like you're saying "hi" but with an "f" in front. It's just like the word "fly" without the "l". Third syllable (uh) End with another soft "uh" sound, similar to the ending of "sofa". Let your voice fade gently.

Aphek Pronunciation Guide - Biblical City Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Aphek", an ancient Biblical city name. Learn how to say this historically significant word with our audio guide. Aphek Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈeɪ.fɛk/ Sounds Like (AY-fek) Breakdown First syllable (AY) (stress) Make the "ay" sound like in "day" or "say". Open your mouth and let your tongue move from the "eh" position to the "ee" position. Second syllable (fek) Start with the "f" sound by touching your top teeth to your bottom lip. Then make the "e" sound like in "bed", and finish with a sharp "k" sound at the back of your throat.

Antiochus Pronunciation Guide: Learn How to Say This Ancient Greek Name

Master the pronunciation of "Antiochus," the name of several ancient Greek kings. Our simple guide breaks down this historical name into easy-to-follow steps. Antiochus Pronunciation in English IPA /æn-ˈtaɪ-ə-kəs/ Sounds Like (an-TIE-uh-kuhs) Breakdown First syllable (an) (less stress) Make the 'a' sound like in "cat", then add 'n' sound. Second syllable (TIE) (stress) Say it like the word "tie" that you use to describe knotting something. Third syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like when you say "about". Fourth syllable (kuhs) Start with a 'k' sound, then make a short "uhs" sound like in "bus".

Antioch Pronunciation Guide - Ancient City Name [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Antioch" - the historic ancient city name. Learn how to say this significant historical word with our audio guide. Antioch Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈæn.ti.ɒk/ Sounds Like (AN-tee-ok) Breakdown First syllable (AN) (stress) Make the 'a' sound like in "cat". Open your mouth wide and let the sound come from the front of your mouth. Second syllable (tee) Say 'tee' just like the word "tea" you drink. It's the same sound as the 'ee' in "see". Third syllable (ok) End with 'ok', making the 'o' sound like in "hot", followed by a quick 'k' sound.

Antichrist Pronunciation - Learn How to Say it Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Antichrist" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to properly say this theological term with confidence. Antichrist Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈæn.ti.kraɪst/ Sounds Like (AN-tee-kryst) Breakdown First syllable (AN) (stress) Make the "a" sound like in "cat", followed by the "n" sound. This syllable gets the main emphasis. Second syllable (tee) Say "tee" just like the word "tea" you drink. It's a clear and simple "t" followed by an "ee" sound. Third syllable (kryst) Start with a "k" sound, then add "r", followed by the "y" sound like in "tie", and end with "st" sounds together.

Ansgar Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say This Germanic Name

Master the correct pronunciation of "Ansgar," a traditional Germanic name meaning "divine spear." Includes audio guide for perfect pronunciation. Ansgar Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈæns.ɡɑːr/ Sounds Like (ANS-gahr) Breakdown First syllable (ans) (stress) Begin with the "a" sound like in "cat", followed by "n" and "s" sounds together, just like saying "ans" in "answer". Second syllable (gahr) Start with a hard "g" sound like in "go", then make the "ah" sound like in "car", and finish with an "r" sound. Think of it like saying "gar" in "garden" but stretch the "ah" sound a bit longer.

Anselm Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Anselm" - a historic name with Germanic origins. Learn how to say this philosophical scholar's name with our audio guide. Anselm Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈæn.sɛlm/ Sounds Like (AN-selm) Breakdown First syllable (AN) (stress) The "AN" sounds like the "a" in "cat". Open your mouth wide and make a short "a" sound, followed by "n". Second syllable (selm) Start with an "s" sound like in "sun", then make an "e" sound like in "bed". Finally, blend "l" and "m" together smoothly, like saying "elm" but with an "s" at the start.

Annas Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Annas" with our comprehensive guide. This biblical name requires careful attention to both syllables for accurate pronunciation. Annas Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈæn.əs/ Sounds Like (AN-uhs) Breakdown First syllable (AN) (stress) Make the "a" sound like in "cat" or "hat", followed by the "n" sound. This syllable gets the main emphasis. Second syllable (uhs) A quick, soft "uh" sound followed by an "s" sound, like the ending of "bonus". Keep this syllable light and unstressed.

Andronicus Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Andronicus" - a name with Greek origins. Follow our step-by-step guide to pronounce this classical name perfectly. Andronicus Pronunciation in English IPA /ænˈdrɒn.ɪ.kəs/ Sounds Like (an-DRON-ih-kuhs) Breakdown First syllable (an) Pronounce like the "an" in "animal", with the "a" sound like in "cat". Second syllable (DRON) (stress) Say "dr" together, then add the "o" sound like in "hot". This is the stressed syllable, so say it slightly louder. Third syllable (ih) A quick "i" sound like in "bit" or "sit". Fourth syllable (kuhs) End with a "k" sound followed by "uhs" like the end of "bonus".

Anathoth Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Town Name [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Anathoth," an ancient Biblical town name. Learn how to say this historical word correctly with our audio guide. Anathoth Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈæn.ə.θɒθ/ Sounds Like (AN-uh-thoth) Breakdown First syllable (AN) (stress) The "AN" sounds like the "an" in "animal". Open your mouth and make a short "a" sound like in "cat", followed by "n". Second syllable (uh) A quick, relaxed "uh" sound, just like when you say "uh" in "about". It's a very soft and short sound. Third syllable (thoth) Start with a "th" sound like in "think", then make an "o" sound like in "hot", and end with another "th" sound. It's like saying "both" but with "th" at both ends.

Ananias Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Ananias," a significant biblical name. Our detailed guide helps you say this historical name correctly with audio examples. Ananias Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌæn.əˈnaɪ.əs/ Sounds Like (an-uh-NYE-uhs) Breakdown First syllable (an) (less stress) Pronounce like the "an" in "animal", with the 'a' sound like in "cat". Second syllable (uh) A quick, relaxed sound like the 'a' in "about" or the 'u' in "supply". Third syllable (NYE) (stress) Say it like the word "nigh" or "tie" - this is the strongest part of the word. Fourth syllable (uhs) End with a soft "us" sound, like the ending of "bonus" or "focus".

Anakim Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Anakim," an ancient biblical name referring to a race of giants. Learn to say this fascinating word correctly with our audio guide. Anakim Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈæn.ə.kɪm/ Sounds Like (AN-uh-kim) Breakdown First syllable (AN) (stress) The "AN" sounds just like when you say the "a" in "cat". Open your mouth wide and make a short "a" sound, then add the "n" sound right after. Second syllable (uh) This is a very quick and relaxed sound, like when you say "uh" in "about". Just let your mouth relax and make a soft "uh" sound. Third syllable (kim) Start with a "k" sound like in "key", then add a short "i" sound like in "bit", and finish with "m" like in "mom".

Ampliatus Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Ampliatus" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to properly say this Latin-derived name with confidence. Ampliatus Pronunciation in English IPA /æm.pliˈeɪ.təs/ Sounds Like (am-plee-AY-tuhs) Breakdown First syllable (am) Pronounce like the "am" in "family", with the 'a' sound like in "cat". Second syllable (plee) Make a 'p' sound followed by "lee" like in "please". Third syllable (AY) (stress) Say "ay" like the word "day" or "say". Fourth syllable (tuhs) End with a soft "tuhs" sound, like the end of "status".

Amoz Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Amoz" with our comprehensive guide. This biblical name requires careful attention to each syllable for proper pronunciation. Amoz Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈeɪ.mɒz/ Sounds Like (AY-moz) Breakdown First syllable (AY) (stress) The "AY" sounds exactly like the letter "A" in the alphabet. Think of saying "hey" without the "h" sound. It's like when you say the word "day" or "way". Second syllable (moz) Start with an "m" sound like in "mom", followed by "o" as in "hot", and end with a "z" sound like in "buzz". Put them together smoothly: m-o-z.

Amorite Pronunciation Guide - Ancient People's Name [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Amorite," an ancient people group from Mesopotamia. Learn how to say this historical term correctly with our audio guide. Amorite Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈæm.ə.raɪt/ Sounds Like (AM-uh-ryt) Breakdown First syllable (AM) (stress) The "A" sounds like the "a" in "cat". Open your mouth wide and say "am" like when you say "I am". Second syllable (uh) Make a quick, relaxed "uh" sound, like when someone gently pokes you and you say "uh". It's the same sound as the "a" in "about". Third syllable (ryt) Start with an "r" sound, then say "yt" like the word "right" without the "r". Think of how you say "kite" or "bite" - it's that same ending sound.

Ammonite Pronunciation - Learn How to Say It Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Ammonite" - an ancient fossil related to modern-day nautilus. Learn to say this fascinating word with confidence. Ammonite Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈæm.ə.naɪt/ Sounds Like (AM-uh-nyt) Breakdown First syllable (AM) (stress) The "A" sounds like the "a" in "cat", followed by an "m" sound. Say it with more emphasis. Second syllable (uh) A quick, relaxed sound like the "a" in "about". It's very soft and quick. Third syllable (nyt) Start with an "n" sound, then make the "y" sound like in "my" or "fly", and end with a clear "t" sound.

Amminadab Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the pronunciation of "Amminadab," a significant biblical name. Learn how to say this ancient Hebrew name correctly with our detailed guide. Amminadab Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈmɪn.ə.dæb/ Sounds Like (uh-MIN-uh-dab) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, just like the beginning of "about". Think of the sound you make when you're thinking - "uh..." Second syllable (MIN) (stress) Say "min" like in "minute", but shorter and with more emphasis. It's the strongest part of the word. Third syllable (uh) Another quick "uh" sound, just like the first syllable. It's very light and quick. Fourth syllable (dab) End with "dab" - just like when you might "dab" a napkin on your mouth. The "a" sounds like the "a" in "cat".

Amittai Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio [Listen]

Master the pronunciation of "Amittai," a significant biblical name. Learn how to say this Hebrew name correctly with our detailed guide. Amittai Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈmɪt.aɪ/ Sounds Like (uh-MIT-eye) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about". Keep this sound short and relaxed. Second syllable (MIT) (stress) Make the "m" sound by closing your lips, then add the short "i" sound like in "sit". End with a clear "t" sound. Third syllable (eye) Say this exactly like the word "eye" or the letter "I". It's the same sound you make when saying "hi" or "my".

Amaziah Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Amaziah," a significant biblical name. Learn how to say this Hebrew-derived name with our detailed guide. Amaziah Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌæm.əˈzaɪ.ə/ Sounds Like (am-uh-ZYE-uh) Breakdown First syllable (am) (less stress) Pronounce like the "am" in "family", with the "a" sound like in "cat". Second syllable (uh) A quick, soft sound like the "a" in "about". Third syllable (ZYE) (stress) This is the strongest part - sounds just like the word "eye" with a "z" sound at the start. Fourth syllable (uh) End with a gentle "uh" sound, like when you say "a" in "sofa".

Amalek Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Amalek", a significant biblical name. Learn how to say this historical term with our detailed pronunciation guide. Amalek Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈæm.ə.lɛk/ Sounds Like (AM-uh-lek) Breakdown First syllable (AM) (stress) The "A" sounds like the "a" in "cat". Make your mouth wide and say "am" like when you say "I am". Second syllable (uh) This is a very quick, relaxed sound - like when you say "uh" if you're thinking. It's the same sound as the "a" in "about". Third syllable (lek) Start with an "l" sound like in "light", then say "e" like in "bed", and finish with a "k" sound. Put them together: "lek".

Alphaeus Pronunciation Guide - Learn Greek Name [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Alphaeus," a significant Greek name from ancient texts. This comprehensive guide helps you pronounce it correctly with audio examples. Alphaeus Pronunciation in English IPA /ælˈfiː.əs/ Sounds Like (al-FEE-uhs) Breakdown First syllable (al) Pronounce it like the "al" in "alley" - open your mouth and make a short "a" sound like in "cat", followed by the "l" sound. Second syllable (FEE) (stress) This is the stressed syllable. Make a long "ee" sound like in "see" or "feet". It's the same sound you hear in "feed". Third syllable (uhs) End with a quick "uh" sound followed by a soft "s", similar to how you end the word "bonus".

Aloes Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say This Healing Plant

Master the correct pronunciation of "Aloes" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to properly say this medicinal plant name used since ancient times. Aloes Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈæl.oʊz/ Sounds Like (AL-ohz) Breakdown First syllable (AL) (stress) Begin with the "a" sound like in "cat", followed by an "l" sound. This syllable is pronounced with more emphasis. Second syllable (ohz) Make the "oh" sound like in "go", then add a "z" sound at the end, like the "z" in "coz". The "z" should be soft and gentle.

Alleluia Pronunciation - Learn to Say This Joyful Word [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Alleluia" - a word expressing praise and joy. Follow our detailed guide to pronounce this meaningful term with confidence. Alleluia Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌæl.əˈluː.jə/ Sounds Like (al-uh-LOO-yuh) Breakdown First syllable (al) (less stress) The "a" sounds like the "a" in "cat", followed by an "l" sound. Second syllable (uh) A quick, relaxed "uh" sound, like when you say "uh" in "about". Third syllable (LOO) (stress) Make the "oo" sound like in "moon" or "food". This is the strongest part of the word. Fourth syllable (yuh) End with a "yuh" sound, similar to how you end the word "hallelujah".

Alexandria Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right

Master the correct pronunciation of "Alexandria" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to say this historic city's name with confidence. Alexandria Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌæl.ɪɡˈzæn.dri.ə/ Sounds Like (al-ig-ZAN-dree-uh) Breakdown First syllable (al) (less stress) Make the 'a' sound like in "cat", followed by an 'l' sound. Second syllable (ig) Say it like the 'ig' in "big", quick and light. Third syllable (ZAN) (stress) This is the strongest part - make the 'z' sound like in "zebra", followed by "an" as in "fan". Fourth syllable (dree) Say 'd' followed by a long 'ee' sound like in "tree". Fifth syllable (uh) End with a soft 'uh' sound, like the 'a' in "sofa".

Ahikam Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Ahikam," a significant biblical name. Learn how to say this Hebrew name with our detailed pronunciation guide. Ahikam Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈhiː.kəm/ Sounds Like (uh-HEE-kuhm) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about". This is a soft, relaxed sound that starts the name. Second syllable (HEE) (stress) Make a long "ee" sound, like in "see" or "bee". This is the strongest part of the name. Third syllable (kuhm) Start with a "k" sound, followed by a quick "uh" sound and end with "m". Think of how you say "come" but shorter.

Ahaziah Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Ahaziah," a significant biblical name. Learn how to say this ancient Hebrew name with confidence. Ahaziah Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌeɪ.həˈzaɪ.ə/ Sounds Like (ay-huh-ZYE-uh) Breakdown First syllable (ay) (less stress) Make the "ay" sound like in "day" - open your mouth and let the sound flow naturally. Second syllable (huh) A gentle "huh" sound, like when you softly breathe out while saying "h". Third syllable (ZYE) (stress) This is the strongest part - say "zye" like the word "tie" with a "z" sound at the start. Fourth syllable (uh) End with a soft "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about" - let your voice fade gently.

How to Pronounce Ahaz: Biblical Name Pronunciation Guide with Audio & Tips

Master the pronunciation of "Ahaz," a significant biblical name. Our easy guide breaks down each sound with clear examples and audio to help you say it correctly. Ahaz Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈeɪ.hæz/ Sounds Like (AY-haz) Breakdown First syllable (AY) (stress) Make the "ay" sound like in "day" or "say". Open your mouth and let your tongue move from the "eh" position to the "ee" position. Second syllable (haz) Start with a gentle "h" sound like when you breathe on a window. Then make the "a" sound like in "cat", and finish with a buzzing "z" sound like in "zebra".

Ahasuerus Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name (Audio)

Master the pronunciation of "Ahasuerus", the ancient Persian king's name from the Bible. Our detailed guide helps you say this historical name correctly. Ahasuerus Pronunciation in English IPA /əˌhæz.juˈɛr.əs/ Sounds Like (uh-haz-yoo-EHR-uhs) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about". Second syllable (haz) (less stress) The "h" sound followed by "az" like in "has" but with a "z" sound at the end. Third syllable (yoo) Make the "yoo" sound like in "you". Fourth syllable (EHR) (stress) Say "er" like in "her" but hold it slightly longer. Fifth syllable (uhs) End with a quick "uhs" sound, like the "us" in "bonus".

Ahab Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Ahab" - the famous biblical king's name. Learn how to say this historical name accurately with our audio guide. Ahab Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈeɪ.hæb/ Sounds Like (AY-hab) Breakdown First syllable (AY) (stress) The "A" sounds like the letter name "a" as in "day". Open your mouth and make a long "ay" sound. Second syllable (hab) Start with a light "h" breath sound, like when you fog up a mirror. Then make the "a" sound like in "cat", and end with a "b" sound by closing your lips together.

Agrippa Pronunciation Guide - Learn Ancient Roman Name

Master the pronunciation of "Agrippa," the powerful ancient Roman family name. Learn how to say this historic name correctly with our audio guide. Agrippa Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈɡrɪp.ə/ Sounds Like (uh-GRIP-uh) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about". Think of the sound you make when you're thinking - "uh". Second syllable (GRIP) (stress) This is exactly like the word "grip" - what you do when you hold something tightly. Start with a hard "g" sound, followed by "r", then "i" like in "it", and end with "p". Third syllable (uh) End with another soft "uh" sound, just like the first syllable. It's the relaxed sound at the end of "sofa".

Agag Pronunciation - Learn How to Say This Biblical Name

Master the correct pronunciation of "Agag," a significant biblical name. Our guide helps you pronounce this historical term with confidence. Agag Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈeɪ.ɡæɡ/ Sounds Like (AY-gag) Breakdown First syllable (AY) (stress) The first syllable sounds like the letter "A" or the word "day". Open your mouth and make a long "ay" sound, just like when you're saying "hey". Second syllable (gag) For this part, start with a hard "g" sound like in "go", then add a short "a" sound like in "cat", and finish with another "g" sound. It's just like saying the word "gag" that means to choke.

Agabus Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Agabus", a significant biblical name mentioned in Acts. Learn how to say this historical name correctly with our audio guide. Agabus Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈæɡ.ə.bəs/ Sounds Like (AG-uh-buhs) Breakdown First syllable (AG) (stress) The "AG" sounds like the "a" in "cat". Open your mouth wide and make a short "a" sound, then immediately follow with a "g" sound. Second syllable (uh) Make a quick, relaxed "uh" sound, like when you say "uh" in "about". Keep this syllable very light and short. Third syllable (buhs) Start with a "b" sound, then make a short "uh" sound like in "bus". End with a soft "s" sound.

Aeneas Pronunciation - Learn to Say this Epic Hero's Name

Master the pronunciation of "Aeneas," the legendary Trojan hero from Virgil's epic. Learn to say this classical name with confidence using our detailed guide. Aeneas Pronunciation in English IPA /ɪˈniː.əs/ Sounds Like (ih-NEE-uhs) Breakdown First syllable (ih) A short "ih" sound, like the "i" in "bit" or "sit". Second syllable (NEE) (stress) Make a long "ee" sound, just like when you say "see" or "bee". This is the stressed syllable, so say it slightly louder and longer. Third syllable (uhs) End with a soft "uh" sound followed by an "s", similar to the ending of "bonus" or "circus".

Achim Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say it Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Achim" with our comprehensive guide. This German name has a unique pronunciation that's worth learning. Achim Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈɑː.kɪm/ Sounds Like (AH-kim) Breakdown First syllable (AH) (stress) The "ah" sound is like when the doctor asks you to open your mouth and say "ah". It's similar to the "a" sound in "father" or "car". Second syllable (kim) This part sounds just like the common name "Kim". Start with a "k" sound and add a short "i" sound like in "bit", then finish with an "m" sound by closing your lips.

Achaia Pronunciation Guide - Ancient Greek Region Name

Master the correct pronunciation of "Achaia," the historic Greek region. Learn to say this classical name with confidence using our audio guide. Achaia Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈkeɪ.ə/ Sounds Like (uh-KAY-uh) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about". Keep it light and relaxed. Second syllable (KAY) (stress) This is the strongest part! Say "kay" just like when you're saying the letter "K". It rhymes with "day" or "way". Third syllable (uh) End with another soft "uh" sound, similar to the ending of "sofa". Let your voice fade gently.

Acacia Pronunciation - Learn How to Say This Tree Name

Master the correct pronunciation of "Acacia" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to properly say this beautiful tree name that's commonly mispronounced. Acacia Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈkeɪ.ʃə/ Sounds Like (uh-KAY-shuh) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, just like when you say "about". It's a relaxed sound that comes from your throat. Second syllable (KAY) (stress) This is the strongest part! Say "ay" like you're saying the letter "A". Think of how you say "day" or "way". Third syllable (shuh) Make a "sh" sound like when you're asking someone to be quiet, then add a quick "uh" at the end. It's soft and gentle, like a whisper.

Abyss Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say This Deep Word

Master the correct pronunciation of "Abyss" with our comprehensive guide. Discover how to properly say this mysterious word that refers to a deep, boundless chasm. Abyss Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈbɪs/ Sounds Like (uh-BISS) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about". This is a relaxed sound that comes from the middle of your mouth. Second syllable (BISS) (stress) Start with a "b" sound, then make the "i" sound like in "bit", and finish with a hissing "ss" sound like a snake. This syllable is emphasized more strongly than the first one.

Absalom Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Absalom" - a significant biblical name. Learn how to say this historical name properly with our audio guide. Absalom Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈæb.sə.ləm/ Sounds Like (AB-suh-luhm) Breakdown First syllable (AB) (stress) The "AB" sounds just like the beginning of "absolute". Make the "a" sound like in "cat", then add a clear "b" sound. Second syllable (suh) This is a quick, soft sound - like when you say "uh" but with an "s" in front. Think of how you say the middle of "message". Third syllable (luhm) End with a gentle "lum" sound, like the end of "column". The "u" is subtle, and your lips close with the "m".

Abram Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Abram" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to say this biblical name properly with audio examples. Abram Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈeɪ.bræm/ Sounds Like (AY-bram) Breakdown First syllable (AY) (stress) Make the "ay" sound like in "day" or "say". Open your mouth and let your tongue move from the "eh" position to the "ee" position. Second syllable (bram) Start with a "b" sound by pressing your lips together, then release. Follow with "r" sound like in "run", then "a" as in "cat", and finish with "m" by closing your lips.

Abraham Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Abraham" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to say this important biblical name properly with audio. Abraham Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈeɪ.brə.hæm/ Sounds Like (AY-bruh-ham) Breakdown First syllable (ay) (stress) Make the "ay" sound like in "day". Open your mouth and let your tongue move from the "eh" position to the "ee" position. Second syllable (bruh) Start with a "b" sound by pressing your lips together, then make a quick "ruh" sound like in "brush". Third syllable (ham) Begin with the "h" sound by breathing out, then make the "a" sound like in "cat", and finish with your lips closed for the "m" sound.

Abiud Pronunciation - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Abiud," a significant biblical name. Learn how to say this Hebrew-origin name with our detailed guide and audio example. Abiud Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈbaɪ.ʌd/ Sounds Like (uh-BYE-uhd) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about". Keep it light and relaxed. Second syllable (BYE) (stress) This is the strongest part of the word. Say it like you're saying goodbye - "bye". It rhymes with "eye" or "sky". Third syllable (uhd) End with a soft "uhd" sound, similar to the way you say the "ud" in "bud" or "mud". Keep it short and gentle.

Abishai Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Abishai", a significant biblical name. Learn how to properly pronounce this ancient Hebrew name with our detailed guide. Abishai Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌæb.ɪˈʃaɪ/ Sounds Like (ab-ih-SHAY) Breakdown First syllable (ab) (less stress) Pronounce it like the "ab" in "absent". Start with the "a" sound like in "cat", then add a "b" sound. Second syllable (ih) Make a short "i" sound like in "bit" or "sit". It's a quick, light sound. Third syllable (SHAY) (stress) This is the stressed part. Say "sh" like in "shoe", then add "ay" like in "day". It rhymes with "say" or "way".

Abinadab Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Abinadab," a significant biblical name. Learn how to say this Hebrew name with our detailed pronunciation guide. Abinadab Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈbɪn.ə.dæb/ Sounds Like (uh-BIN-uh-dab) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about" or "ago". This is a soft, relaxed sound. Second syllable (BIN) (stress) Make the "i" sound like in "bit" or "pin", with a clear "n" at the end. This is the strongest part of the word. Third syllable (uh) Another quick "uh" sound, just like the first syllable. Keep it light and unstressed. Fourth syllable (dab) End with "dab" - the "a" sounds like in "cat" or "hat", followed by a "b" sound.

Abimelech Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the pronunciation of "Abimelech," a significant biblical name. Learn how to say this ancient Hebrew name correctly with our detailed guide. Abimelech Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈbɪm.ə.lɛk/ Sounds Like (uh-BIM-uh-lek) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A soft "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about" or "ago". Second syllable (BIM) (stress) The "b" sound followed by a short "i" like in "bit", ending with "m". Third syllable (uh) Another quick "uh" sound, similar to the first syllable. Fourth syllable (lek) Start with "l", then make the "e" sound like in "bed", and end with a "k" sound.

Abilene Pronunciation - Learn How to Say it Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Abilene" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to properly say this historic Texas city name with confidence. Abilene Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌæb.ɪ.ˈliːn/ Sounds Like (ab-ih-LEEN) Breakdown First syllable (ab) (less stress) Make the "a" sound like when you say "cat". Then add a "b" sound right after it, just like when you start saying "boy". Second syllable (ih) This is a quick, short sound - just like the "i" in "bit" or when you say "it". Third syllable (leen) (stress) Start with an "l" sound, then make a long "ee" sound like in "see". This is the strongest part of the word.

Abijah Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Abijah", a significant biblical name. Learn how to say this ancient Hebrew name properly with our detailed guide. Abijah Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈbaɪ.dʒə/ Sounds Like (uh-BYE-juh) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about". Keep this syllable short and relaxed. Second syllable (BYE) (stress) This is the stressed syllable. Make the "bye" sound just like when you say goodbye to someone. Third syllable (juh) End with a soft "juh" sound, similar to the end of "measure". Let this syllable fade gently.

Abiezrite Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Abiezrite," a biblical family name mentioned in the Book of Judges. Learn how to say this historical term accurately. Abiezrite Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌæb.iˈɛz.raɪt/ Sounds Like (ab-ee-EZ-rite) Breakdown First syllable (ab) (less stress) Pronounce like the "ab" in "absent" - start with the short "a" sound like in "cat", followed by a "b" sound. Second syllable (ee) Make a long "ee" sound, just like when you say "see" or "bee". Third syllable (EZ) (stress) Say "ez" like in "easy" - begin with a short "e" sound followed by a "z" sound. Fourth syllable (rite) Pronounce like the word "right" - make the long "i" sound followed by a "t" sound.

Abiel Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say This Hebrew Name

Master the correct pronunciation of "Abiel", a meaningful Hebrew name. Our detailed guide helps you pronounce this biblical name with confidence. Abiel Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈeɪ.bi.əl/ Sounds Like (AY-bee-uhl) Breakdown First syllable (ay) (stress) Make the "ay" sound like in "day". Open your mouth and let the sound flow naturally. Second syllable (bee) Say "bee" just like the buzzing insect. It's the same sound as the letter "B". Third syllable (uhl) End with a gentle "uhl" sound, similar to the end of "pencil" or "tunnel". Keep it soft and relaxed.

Abiathar Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the pronunciation of "Abiathar," a significant biblical name. Learn how to say this Old Testament priest's name correctly with our audio guide. Abiathar Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈbaɪ.ə.θɑːr/ Sounds Like (uh-BYE-uh-thar) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about". Second syllable (BYE) (stress) Makes the same sound as saying "goodbye" - just the "bye" part. Third syllable (uh) Another quick "uh" sound, similar to the first syllable. Fourth syllable (thar) Sounds like "thar" in "father", with a soft "th" sound followed by "ar".

Abednego Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Abednego", the biblical name from the Book of Daniel. Learn how to say this ancient Hebrew name with confidence. Abednego Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈbed.nɪ.ɡoʊ/ Sounds Like (uh-BED-nih-goh) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about" or "ago". Second syllable (BED) (stress) Just like the word "bed" that you sleep in - simple and clear! Third syllable (nih) A short "i" sound like in "bit", followed by an "h" sound. Fourth syllable (goh) End with "go" sound, just like when you say "go ahead".

ABBA Pronunciation - How to Say This Famous Band Name

Master the correct pronunciation of "ABBA" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to say this iconic Swedish pop group's name properly. ABBA Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈæb.ə/ Sounds Like (AB-uh) Breakdown First syllable (AB) (stress) The first syllable starts with the "a" sound like in the word "cat", followed by a clear "b" sound. This syllable gets the main emphasis. Second syllable (uh) The second syllable is a simple "uh" sound, like when you say the "a" in "about". It's pronounced quickly and softly, almost like a whisper.

Abana Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Abana" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to properly say this unique word with confidence. Abana Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈbɑː.nə/ Sounds Like (uh-BAH-nuh) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A soft "uh" sound, just like when you say "about". It's a very quick, relaxed sound. Second syllable (BAH) (stress) Make the "b" sound with your lips together, then open your mouth wide for a long "ah" sound, like when you say "father". Third syllable (nuh) End with a gentle "n" sound followed by a short "uh", similar to the ending of "banana".

Aaron Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say This Name [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Aaron" with our comprehensive guide. This biblical name has a specific pronunciation that's important to learn. Aaron Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈɛr.ən/ Sounds Like (AIR-uhn) Breakdown First syllable (AIR) (stress) This sounds exactly like the word "air" that you breathe. Think of the fresh air outside. Second syllable (uhn) Make a quick "uh" sound, like when you're thinking "uh..." Just add an "n" sound at the end. It's very soft and gentle.