Ahasuerus Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name (Audio)

Master the pronunciation of "Ahasuerus", the ancient Persian king's name from the Bible. Our detailed guide helps you say this historical name correctly.

Ahasuerus Pronunciation in English



Sounds Like



First syllable (uh)
A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about".

Second syllable (haz) (less stress)
The "h" sound followed by "az" like in "has" but with a "z" sound at the end.

Third syllable (yoo)
Make the "yoo" sound like in "you".

Fourth syllable (EHR) (stress)
Say "er" like in "her" but hold it slightly longer.

Fifth syllable (uhs)
End with a quick "uhs" sound, like the "us" in "bonus".


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