Anakim Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Anakim," an ancient biblical name referring to a race of giants. Learn to say this fascinating word correctly with our audio guide.

Anakim Pronunciation in English



Sounds Like



First syllable (AN) (stress)
The "AN" sounds just like when you say the "a" in "cat". Open your mouth wide and make a short "a" sound, then add the "n" sound right after.

Second syllable (uh)
This is a very quick and relaxed sound, like when you say "uh" in "about". Just let your mouth relax and make a soft "uh" sound.

Third syllable (kim)
Start with a "k" sound like in "key", then add a short "i" sound like in "bit", and finish with "m" like in "mom".


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