
Showing posts from November, 2024

Tekel Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say it Right

Tekel is a biblical term meaning "weighed." This guide will help you master its correct pronunciation with clear examples and audio demonstration. Tekel Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈte.kəl/ Sounds Like (TEH-kuhl) Breakdown First syllable (TEH) (stress) The 'te' sounds like the 'e' in "bed". Open your mouth and make a clear 'teh' sound. Second syllable (kuhl) The 'kel' sounds like 'kuhl', similar to the end of "nickel". Keep this syllable short and relaxed.

How to Pronounce Tarsus - Ancient City Name Guide (Audio)

Discover the fascinating history behind the word "tarsus" - an ancient city name and anatomical term. Learn its proper pronunciation with our expert audio guide. Tarsus Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈtɑːr.səs/ Sounds Like (TAR-suhs) Breakdown First syllable (TAR) (stress) Make a 't' sound, followed by 'ar' like the sound in "car". Second syllable (suhs) Begin with an 's' sound, then add a short 'uh' sound like in "bus", and end with another 's' sound.

Tamar Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say it Right

Tamar is a biblical name with rich historical significance. This guide will help you master its authentic pronunciation, making it easy to say with confidence. Tamar Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈteɪ.mɑːr/ Sounds Like (TAY-mar) Breakdown First syllable (TAY) (stress) Make the 'ay' sound like in "day" or "say". Open your mouth and let your tongue rest behind your bottom teeth. Second syllable (mar) Start with 'm' sound, followed by 'ar' as in "car" or "star". Keep your lips relaxed and slightly open.

Tabitha Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right

Discover the fascinating name Tabitha, a beautiful biblical name with Hebrew origins. Our guide helps you master its pronunciation with clear audio examples. Tabitha Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈtæb.ɪ.θə/ Sounds Like (TAB-ih-thuh) Breakdown First syllable (TAB) (stress) Make the 'a' sound like in "cat", followed by a clear 'b' sound. Second syllable (ih) A short 'i' sound, like in "bit" or "sit". Third syllable (thuh) End with a soft 'th' sound followed by a gentle 'uh', like in "the".

Syria Pronunciation Guide - Learn How To Say It Right

Syria is a country in the Middle East. This guide will help you learn the correct way to pronounce this historically significant nation's name. Audio included for perfect pronunciation. Syria Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsɪr.i.ə/ Sounds Like (SEER-ee-uh) Breakdown First syllable (SEER) (stress) Begin with an 's' sound like in "sun", followed by "eer" sound like in "deer". Second syllable (ee) Make the "ee" sound like in "happy". Third syllable (uh) End with a soft "uh" sound like in "about". Source: Cambridge English Dictionary

Syntyche Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name (Audio)

Discover the fascinating history behind the biblical name "Syntyche" and learn its authentic pronunciation. This female name appears in Philippians 4:2 of the New Testament. Syntyche Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsɪn.tɪ.ki/ Sounds Like (SIN-tih-kee) Breakdown First syllable (SIN) (stress) Pronounce "SIN" exactly like the word "sin". Make this syllable slightly stronger as it has the main stress. Second syllable (tih) Say "tih" like the "ti" in "tip" but shorter. Keep this syllable quick and light. Third syllable (kee) End with "kee" which rhymes with "see" or the "y" in "happy". This creates the final sound of the name. Source: Philippians 4:2, New Testament

Symeon Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say it Right

Symeon is a biblical name with Greek origins, meaning 'God has heard.' This guide will help you master its authentic pronunciation with clear examples and audio. Symeon Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsɪm.i.ən/ Sounds Like (SIM-ee-uhn) Breakdown First syllable (SIM) (stress) Make the 'i' sound like in "bit", with your lips slightly spread. Start with 's' and end with 'm'. Second syllable (ee) Say 'ee' like the end of "baby" - it's a short, quick sound. Third syllable (uhn) End with a gentle 'uhn' sound, like when you say "button" quickly.

How to Pronounce Syene - Ancient Egyptian City Name Guide

Syene was an ancient Egyptian city, now known as Aswan. This historic name carries significant cultural importance in archaeological studies. Syene Pronunciation in English IPA /saɪˈiːn/ Sounds Like (sigh-EEN) Breakdown First syllable (sigh) Make the 'sigh' sound like when you say "sigh" or "my". Start with 's' like in "sun", then blend it with 'ai' like in "eye". Second syllable (een) (stress) Say 'een' like the 'een' in "seen" or "queen". It's a long 'ee' sound that rhymes with "bean".

Learn How to Pronounce Stephen - A Clear Guide to Correct Pronunciation

Master the pronunciation of "Stephen" with our easy-to-follow guide. Learn how this common name is correctly pronounced in English. Stephen Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈstiː.vən/ Sounds Like (STEE-vuhn) Breakdown First syllable (STEE) (stress) Begin with 's' and 't' sounds together, followed by a long 'ee' sound like in "see". Second syllable (vuhn) Start with a 'v' sound, followed by a quick 'uh' sound, ending with an 'n' sound.

Stanislaus Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right

Explore the correct way to pronounce "Stanislaus," a unique name with historical significance. Perfect your pronunciation with our easy-to-follow guide. Stanislaus Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌstæn.ɪˈslaʊs/ Sounds Like (stan-ih-SLOWS) Breakdown First syllable (stan) (less stress) Pronounce 'stan' like the name "Stan", with the 'a' sound like in "cat". Second syllable (ih) Make a short 'i' sound like in "bit" or "sit". Third syllable (slows) (stress) Say 's' followed by 'l', then make an 'ow' sound like in "cow" or "now", and end with 's'.

Stachys Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say This Herb [Audio]

Stachys is a genus of flowering plants in the mint family. This beautiful herb has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and gardening. Stachys Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsteɪ.kɪs/ Sounds Like (STAY-kis) Breakdown First syllable (STAY) (stress) Pronounce "stay" like the word "stay". Start with the "s" sound, followed by "t", and end with the "ay" sound as in "day". Second syllable (kis) Begin with a "k" sound, followed by a short "i" sound like in "bit", and end with an "s" sound.

Solomon Pronunciation Guide - Biblical King's Name Audio

Solomon, the wise king of ancient Israel, was renowned for his wisdom and wealth. This name has deep historical significance in various religious traditions. Solomon Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsɑː.lə.mən/ Sounds Like (SAH-luh-muhn) Breakdown First syllable (SAH) (stress) The "s" sounds like the "s" in "sun", followed by "ah" like in "father". Second syllable (luh) A gentle "l" sound followed by a quick "uh" like in "butter". Third syllable (muhn) Start with "m" like in "mom", then end with a soft "uhn" sound like in "button".

Sodom Pronunciation Guide - Biblical City Name Explained

Explore the historical significance of Sodom, an ancient biblical city, while mastering its correct pronunciation. Perfect your speaking skills with our audio guide. Sodom Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsɒd.əm/ Sounds Like (SOD-uhm) Breakdown First syllable (SOD) (stress) Begin with an "s" sound like in "sun", followed by the "o" sound like in "hot", and end with a "d" sound. Second syllable (uhm) Make a quick "uh" sound like in "up", followed by an "m" sound with closed lips.

Smyrna Pronunciation Guide - Ancient City Name [Audio]

Explore the fascinating pronunciation of "Smyrna," the historic ancient city name. Perfect your pronunciation with our expert audio guide. Smyrna Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsmɝː.nə/ Sounds Like (SMUR-nuh) Breakdown First syllable (SMUR) (stress) Begin with the "s" sound, followed by "m," then make the "ur" sound like in "nurse" or "fur." This is the stressed part of the word. Second syllable (nuh) End with a simple "nuh" sound, like the "a" in "about." Keep this part soft and relaxed.

Sixtus Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right | Audio

Explore the fascinating history and correct pronunciation of "Sixtus", a name with Latin origins used by several popes throughout history. Perfect your pronunciation with our guide. Sixtus Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsɪk.stəs/ Sounds Like (SIK-stuhs) Breakdown First syllable (SIK) (stress) Begin with an 's' sound like in "sun", followed by a short 'i' sound like in "bit", and end with a 'k' sound. Second syllable (stuhs) Start with 'st' sound like in "stop", followed by a neutral 'uh' sound like in "bus", and end with an 's' sound.

Sistrum: Ancient Egyptian Musical Instrument - Audio Guide

A fascinating percussion instrument from ancient Egypt, the sistrum was used in religious ceremonies and rituals. This sacred rattle produced a distinctive jingling sound. Sistrum Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsɪs.trəm/ Sounds Like (SIS-truhm) Breakdown First syllable (SIS) (stress) Make the "s" sound like in "sun", followed by a short "i" like in "sit", and end with another "s" sound. Second syllable (truhm) Begin with a "t" sound, followed by "r", then add a quick "uh" sound like in "up", and finish with an "m" sound.

Sosthenes Pronunciation Guide - Learn Greek Name (Audio)

Master the pronunciation of "Sosthenes", an ancient Greek name meaning "safe in strength". Includes audio guide for perfect pronunciation. Sosthenes Pronunciation in English IPA /sɒsˈθiː.niːz/ Sounds Like (sos-THEE-neez) Breakdown First syllable (sos) Begin with an 's' sound like in "sit", followed by 'o' like in "hot", and end with another 's' sound. Second syllable (THEE) (stress) Make a 'th' sound like in "think", followed by a long 'ee' sound like in "see". Third syllable (neez) Start with an 'n' sound, followed by a long 'ee' sound like in "see", and finish with a 'z' sound like in "biz".

Sirach Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Term (Audio)

Explore the proper pronunciation of "Sirach," a significant biblical text from the deuterocanonical books. This comprehensive guide helps you master this important religious term. Sirach Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsaɪ.ræk/ Sounds Like (SIE-rak) Breakdown First syllable (sie) (stress) Make the "sie" sound like the word "sigh". Start with an 's' sound, followed by the "ie" sound like in "tie" or "my". Second syllable (rak) Begin with an 'r' sound, followed by the 'a' sound like in "cat", and end with a 'k' sound. Pronounce it quickly and clearly.

How to Pronounce "Sinai": A Comprehensive Guide

The word "Sinai" carries immense historical, religious, and geographical significance. Whether you're discussing the Sinai Peninsula, Mount Sinai, or the region's cultural importance, pronouncing "Sinai" correctly is essential. However, its pronunciation can be tricky for many, especially those unfamiliar with its origins and phonetic structure. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into how to pronounce "Sinai," explore its meaning, and provide tips, examples, and resources to help you master its pronunciation. What is Sinai? Before we delve into pronunciation, let’s understand what "Sinai" refers to. Sinai is most commonly associated with two key references: The Sinai Peninsula : A triangular peninsula in Egypt that serves as a land bridge between Africa and Asia. It is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north and the Red Sea to the south. The region is known for its stunning landscapes, including ...

Silvanus Pronunciation Guide - Learn Forest God Name (Audio)

Silvanus refers to the ancient Roman deity of forests and uncultivated lands. This woodland god's name appears in classical mythology and literature. Silvanus Pronunciation in English IPA /sɪlˈveɪ.nəs/ Sounds Like (sil-VAY-nuhs) Breakdown First syllable (sil) Make the "s" sound like in "sun", then add "il" like in "silk". This creates "sil". Second syllable (vay) (stress) The "v" sound like in "very", followed by "ay" as in "day". This makes "vay". Third syllable (nuhs) Start with "n" like in "new", then add a quick "uhs" sound like in "bus". This forms "nuhs".

Siloam Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Pool Name (Audio)

Explore the historical significance of Siloam, the ancient pool mentioned in biblical texts. Perfect your pronunciation of this meaningful name. Siloam Pronunciation in English IPA /saɪˈloʊ.əm/ Sounds Like (sigh-LOH-uhm) Breakdown First syllable (sigh) Make the "sigh" sound like when you're tired - just like the word "sigh" itself. It's the same sound you hear in words like "my" or "fly". Second syllable (LOH) (stress) Say "LOH" like the "low" in "slow" or "glow". This is the strongest part of the word, so say it a bit louder. Third syllable (uhm) End with a soft "uhm" sound, like when you're thinking and say "um". It's very gentle and quick, similar to the end of "bottom".

Silas Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Like a Native

Explore the correct way to pronounce "Silas", a timeless name with Greek origins meaning "wood" or "forest". Perfect your pronunciation with our audio guide. Silas Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsaɪ.ləs/ Sounds Like (SIE-luhs) Breakdown First syllable (sie) (stress) The "s" sounds like the "s" in "sun", followed by the "ie" which sounds like the "i" in "tie". Second syllable (luhs) Begin with an "l" sound, followed by a quick "uh" sound like in "bus", and end with an "s" sound like in "us".

Sihon Pronunciation Guide - Biblical King's Name (With Audio)

Explore the correct way to pronounce "Sihon," the name of an ancient Amorite king mentioned in biblical texts. Perfect your pronunciation with our audio guide. Sihon Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsaɪ.hɒn/ Sounds Like (SIE-hon) Breakdown First syllable (SIE) (stress) Make the "sie" sound like the word "sigh". Start with an 's' sound, followed by the 'ie' sound like in "tie" or "hi". Second syllable (hon) Begin with a clear 'h' sound, then make the 'o' sound like in "hot", and end with an 'n' sound. Think of it like saying "hon" in "honey" but shorter.

Siesta Pronunciation Guide - Learn Spanish Rest Time Word

Discover the meaning and pronunciation of "siesta," the traditional Spanish afternoon rest period. Perfect your pronunciation with our audio guide. Siesta Pronunciation in English IPA /siˈes.tə/ Sounds Like (see-ES-tuh) Breakdown First syllable (see) Make the "see" sound like in "seed" - a clear "s" followed by a long "ee" sound. Second syllable (ES) (stress) The "e" sounds like in "bed", followed by a clear "s" sound. This is the stressed syllable, so say it slightly louder. Third syllable (tuh) End with a soft "tuh" sound, like the "a" in "sofa". Keep it short and relaxed.

Siena Pronunciation Guide - Learn Italian City Name (Audio)

Explore the authentic pronunciation of "Siena," the historic Italian city. Perfect your accent with our expert guide and audio examples. Siena Pronunciation in English IPA /siˈɛn.ə/ Sounds Like (see-EN-uh) Breakdown First syllable (see) Make the "see" sound, just like when you say "see" in English. It's the same sound as in "seed" or "seep". Second syllable (EN) (stress) Say "EN" like the letter "N" but with an "eh" sound before it. Think of the "e" in "bed" or "red". Third syllable (uh) End with a gentle "uh" sound, like when you say "a" in "sofa" or "china".

Sidonians Pronunciation Guide - Ancient People's Name (Audio)

Explore the fascinating name "Sidonians," referring to the ancient Phoenician people from the city of Sidon. This historical term appears in various ancient texts. Sidonians Pronunciation in English IPA /saɪˈdoʊ.ni.ənz/ Sounds Like (sigh-DOH-nee-uhnz) Breakdown First syllable (sigh) Make the "sigh" sound like when you say "hi" - start with 's' and blend it with "eye". Second syllable (DOH) (stress) Say "doh" like Homer Simpson - it's the same sound as the word "go" or "snow". Third syllable (nee) Say "nee" like the end of "honey" or "money" - it's a happy sound! Fourth syllable (uhnz) End with "uhnz" - like adding "uhns" to make it plural, similar to how we say "gardens".

Sidon Pronunciation Guide - Ancient Phoenician City Name

Explore the fascinating pronunciation of "Sidon", the historic Phoenician city. Perfect your pronunciation with our audio guide and detailed breakdown. Sidon Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsaɪ.dən/ Sounds Like (SIE-duhn) Breakdown First syllable (SIE) (stress) The "s" sounds like the "s" in "sun", followed by the "ie" which sounds like the "i" in "tie". Second syllable (duhn) Start with a "d" sound like in "dog", followed by a quick "uh" sound like in "bus", ending with an "n" sound.

Shunem Pronunciation Guide - Biblical City Name (Audio)

Explore the historical significance of Shunem, an ancient Biblical city mentioned in the Old Testament. This guide helps you pronounce this important geographical name correctly. Shunem Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈʃuː.nəm/ Sounds Like (SHOO-nuhm) Breakdown First syllable (SHOO) (stress) Begin with the "sh" sound like in "sure", followed by "oo" sound like in "food". Second syllable (nuhm) Start with an "n" sound, followed by a quick "uh" sound and end with "m" sound, similar to how you say "num" in "number".

Shunammite Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Term with Audio

Explore the biblical term "Shunammite" - referring to a person from the ancient city of Shunem. This guide helps you master this historical word's pronunciation. Shunammite Pronunciation in English IPA /ʃuːˈnæm.aɪt/ Sounds Like (shoo-NAM-ite) Breakdown First syllable (shoo) Make the "sh" sound like in "shoe", followed by an "oo" sound like in "food". Second syllable (NAM) (stress) Say "nam" like the "a" sound in "cat". This is the stressed syllable, so say it slightly louder. Third syllable (ite) End with "ite" using the same sound as in "kite" or "bite".

Shittim Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Wood Name (Audio)

Shittim is a biblical term referring to a type of wood used in ancient times, particularly in the construction of the Tabernacle. This acacia wood was known for its durability. Shittim Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈʃɪt.ɪm/ Sounds Like (SHIT-im) Breakdown First syllable (SHIT) (stress) Pronounce 'sh' like in "ship", followed by a short 'i' sound like in "bit". Second syllable (im) Say 'i' like in "bit", then end with 'm' sound like in "him".

Shimei Pronunciation Guide - Japanese Name Meaning (Audio)

Shimei is a Japanese name that carries deep cultural significance. This guide will help you master its authentic pronunciation with clear examples and audio. Shimei Pronunciation in English IPA /ʃiːˈmeɪ/ Sounds Like (shee-MAY) Breakdown First syllable (shee) Make the "sh" sound like in "ship", then add a long "ee" sound like in "see". Second syllable (MAY) (stress) Say "may" like the month of May, with emphasis on this syllable.

Shilonite Pronunciation - Learn How to Say it Right

Explore the fascinating world of biblical terms as we guide you through the correct pronunciation of "Shilonite," a term referring to inhabitants of ancient Shiloh. Shilonite Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈʃaɪ.loʊ.naɪt/ Sounds Like (SHY-loh-nyt) Breakdown First syllable (shy) (stress) Make the "sh" sound like when asking someone to be quiet, followed by the "y" sound like in "my" or "fly". Second syllable (loh) Start with the "l" sound, then make a long "oh" sound like when saying "go" or "low". Third syllable (nyt) Begin with "n" sound, then make the "y" sound like in "my", and end with a clear "t" sound.

Shiloh Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name's Meaning | Audio

Explore the historical significance of "Shiloh," a biblical place name meaning "place of peace." This guide helps you master its authentic pronunciation with clear examples. Shiloh Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈʃaɪ.loʊ/ Sounds Like (SHY-loh) Breakdown First syllable (SHY) (stress) Begin with the "sh" sound like in "ship", followed by the "ai" sound like in "tie" or "my". Second syllable (loh) Start with the "l" sound, then make the "oh" sound like in "go" or "low".

Sheol Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Term's Sound [Audio]

Explore the correct way to pronounce "Sheol," an ancient Hebrew term referring to the underworld or grave. This comprehensive guide helps you master its authentic pronunciation. Sheol Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈʃiː.oʊl/ Sounds Like (SHEE-ohl) Breakdown First syllable (SHEE) (stress) Begin with the "sh" sound like in "ship", followed by a long "ee" sound like in "see". Second syllable (ohl) Make the "oh" sound like in "go", then end with an "l" sound.

Shekel Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Currency Word (Audio)

Explore the fascinating history and pronunciation of "shekel," an ancient biblical currency unit still used in modern Israel. Perfect your pronunciation with our expert guide. Shekel Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈʃek.əl/ Sounds Like (SHEK-uhl) Breakdown First syllable (SHEK) (stress) Begin with the "sh" sound like in "ship," followed by the "e" sound like in "bed," and end with a "k" sound. Second syllable (uhl) A quick "uh" sound, similar to the "a" in "about," followed by a light "l" sound at the end.

Shechem Pronunciation Guide - Ancient Biblical City Name

Explore the historical significance of Shechem, an ancient Biblical city mentioned in the Old Testament. Learn how to pronounce this important historical name correctly. Shechem Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈʃɛk.əm/ Sounds Like (SHEK-uhm) Breakdown First syllable (SHEK) (stress) Begin with the "sh" sound like in "ship", followed by the "e" sound like in "bed", and end with a "k" sound. Second syllable (uhm) A quick "uh" sound like in "up", followed by an "m" sound at the end.

Sheba Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right | Audio

Sheba refers to an ancient kingdom mentioned in religious texts. This word often appears in historical and biblical contexts, making correct pronunciation essential. Sheba Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈʃiː.bə/ Sounds Like (SHEE-buh) Breakdown First syllable (SHEE) (stress) Make a "sh" sound like when asking someone to be quiet, then add the "ee" sound like in "see". Second syllable (buh) Say a simple "b" sound followed by an unstressed "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about".

Shealtiel Pronunciation - Biblical Name Meaning & Audio

Explore the proper pronunciation of "Shealtiel," a significant biblical name meaning "I have asked of God." This Hebrew name appears in both Old and New Testaments. Shealtiel Pronunciation in English IPA /ʃiˈæl.ti.ɛl/ Sounds Like (shee-AL-tee-el) Breakdown First syllable (shee) Begin with the "sh" sound like in "sheep", followed by a long "ee" sound as in "see". Second syllable (AL) (stress) Make the "a" sound like in "cat", followed by the "l" sound. Third syllable (tee) Start with a "t" sound, followed by a short "ee" sound like in "happy". Fourth syllable (el) Make the "e" sound like in "bed", followed by the "l" sound.

Shaphat Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name Meaning & Audio

Shaphat is a biblical name with Hebrew origins, meaning "he has judged." This guide helps you pronounce this meaningful ancient name correctly. Shaphat Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈʃæ.fæt/ Sounds Like (SHAH-fat) Breakdown First syllable (SHAH) (stress) Begin with the "sh" sound like in "ship", followed by the "ah" sound like in "cat". Second syllable (fat) Start with the "f" sound, followed by the "a" sound like in "cat", and end with a clear "t" sound.

Shaphan Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Discover the authentic pronunciation of "Shaphan," a significant biblical name meaning "rock badger" or "hyrax." Perfect your pronunciation with our expert guide. Shaphan Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈʃeɪ.fən/ Sounds Like (SHAY-fuhn) Breakdown First syllable (SHAY) (stress) Begin with the "sh" sound like in "ship," followed by the "ay" sound like in "day". Second syllable (fuhn) Start with the "f" sound, followed by a quick "uh" sound like in "fun".

Shammah Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name (Audio)

Explore the authentic pronunciation of "Shammah," a significant biblical name meaning 'desolation' or 'astonishment.' Perfect your pronunciation with our guide. Shammah Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈʃæm.ə/ Sounds Like (SHAM-uh) Breakdown First syllable (SHAM) (stress) Begin with the "sh" sound like in "ship", then add the "a" sound like in "cat", followed by "m" sound. Second syllable (uh) End with a short "uh" sound, similar to the "a" in "about".

Shalom Pronunciation Guide - Hebrew Greeting Meaning Peace

Shalom is a Hebrew word used as a greeting and farewell, meaning peace, harmony, wholeness, and well-being. Let's learn how to pronounce this meaningful word correctly. Shalom Pronunciation in English IPA /ʃəˈloʊm/ Sounds Like (shuh-LOHM) Breakdown First syllable (shuh) (less stress) Make a "sh" sound like when asking someone to be quiet, followed by a quick "uh" sound like in "up". Second syllable (LOHM) (stress) Start with an "l" sound, then make a long "oh" sound like in "go", and end with an "m" sound with your lips closed.

Shalmaneser Pronunciation Guide - Ancient King's Name (Audio)

Explore the fascinating name of an ancient Assyrian king, Shalmaneser. This royal name carries historical significance and unique pronunciation patterns. Shalmaneser Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌʃæl.məˈniː.zər/ Sounds Like (shal-muh-NEE-zur) Breakdown First syllable (shal) (less stress) Begin with "sh" like in "ship", followed by the "a" sound like in "cat", end with "l". Second syllable (muh) Make a quick "muh" sound, like when you say "mother". Third syllable (NEE) (stress) Say "nee" like the "ee" in "see" - this is the strongest part of the word. Fourth syllable (zur) End with "zur" like the "sir" in "visitor", but with a "z" sound instead of "s".

Shadrach Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Explore the fascinating biblical name Shadrach and learn its proper pronunciation. This ancient Hebrew name carries deep historical significance and appears in the Book of Daniel. Shadrach Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈʃæd.ræk/ Sounds Like (SHAD-rak) Breakdown First syllable (SHAD) (stress) Begin with the "sh" sound like in "ship", followed by the "a" sound like in "cat", and end with a "d" sound. Second syllable (rak) Start with an "r" sound, followed by the "a" sound like in "cat", and finish with a "k" sound.

Shaalim Pronunciation - Learn How to Say it Right

Discover the authentic pronunciation of "shaalim," a unique name with Arabic origins. Perfect your pronunciation with our step-by-step audio guide. Shaalim Pronunciation in English IPA /ʃɑː.liːm/ Sounds Like (SHAH-leem) Breakdown First syllable (SHAH) (stress) Begin with the "sh" sound like in "shoe", followed by a long "ah" sound as in "father". This syllable is pronounced with emphasis. Second syllable (leem) Start with an "l" sound, then make a long "ee" sound like in "see". The "m" at the end should be clearly pronounced but gentle.

Seth Pronunciation Guide - Ancient Egyptian God Name (Audio)

Discover the fascinating name "Seth" from ancient Egyptian mythology. This powerful deity's name carries historical significance and continues to intrigue people today. Seth Pronunciation in English IPA /sɛθ/ Sounds Like (SETH) Breakdown First syllable (SETH) (stress) Begin with an 's' sound like in "sun", followed by 'e' like in "bed", and end with a 'th' sound like in "think". This single-syllable name is straightforward to pronounce. Just remember to make a soft 'th' sound at the end, not a hard 't' sound. The 'e' should be pronounced clearly, like when you say "pet" or "set".

Seraphim Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say this Angelic Term

Discover how to pronounce this celestial word referring to the highest order of angels in Christian angelology. Perfect your pronunciation with our expert guide. Seraphim Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsɛr.ə.fɪm/ Sounds Like (SEHR-uh-fim) Breakdown First syllable (SEHR) (stress) The "s" sounds like in "sun", followed by "ehr" like the "er" in "very". This is the strongest part of the word. Second syllable (uh) A quick, soft "uh" sound, like when you say "a" in "about". Keep it light and quick. Third syllable (fim) Start with "f" like in "fun", then add "im" like in "him". This part is gentle and flows smoothly.

Sennacherib Pronunciation Guide - Ancient Assyrian King Name

Discover how to pronounce this fascinating name from ancient Assyrian history. A powerful king's name that often appears in historical texts and religious studies. Sennacherib Pronunciation in English IPA /səˈnæk.ər.ɪb/ Sounds Like (suh-NAK-ur-ib) Breakdown First syllable (suh) Make a soft "s" sound followed by an unstressed "uh" sound, like the "u" in "cup". Second syllable (NAK) (stress) Say "n" followed by the "a" sound like in "cat", then end with a clear "k" sound. Third syllable (ur) Pronounce it like the "er" in "her", keeping it quick and light. Fourth syllable (ib) Start with a short "i" sound like in "bit", then end with a "b" sound.

Seleucia Pronunciation Guide - Ancient City Name Made Easy

Discover the fascinating ancient city of Seleucia and learn to pronounce this historical name with confidence. Our simple guide makes mastering this classical term effortless. Seleucia Pronunciation in English IPA /səˈluː.ʃə/ Sounds Like (suh-LOO-shuh) Breakdown First syllable (suh) Make a soft "s" sound followed by an unstressed "uh" like in "supply". Second syllable (LOO) (stress) Say "loo" like in "loop" or "moon". This is the stressed syllable, so say it slightly louder. Third syllable (shuh) End with a gentle "sh" sound followed by a quick "uh" like in "Russia".

Seir Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Like a Native

Discover the proper way to pronounce "Seir" - a biblical term referring to a mountainous region. This guide helps you master its authentic pronunciation. Seir Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsiːər/ Sounds Like (SEE-uhr) Breakdown First syllable (SEE) (stress) Make the 'ee' sound like in "see" or "tree". Keep your lips spread in a slight smile. Second syllable (uhr) End with an 'er' sound like in "teacher" or "mother". Let your voice trail off gently.

Seba Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Like a Native

Discover the proper way to pronounce "seba" - a unique word that adds elegance to your vocabulary. Our simple guide makes mastering this word effortless. Seba Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsiː.bə/ Sounds Like (SEE-buh) Breakdown First syllable (SEE) (stress) Make the "see" sound just like when you say "see" in "I can see you". It's a long "ee" sound, like the sound bees make. Second syllable (buh) Say "buh" quickly and softly, like the end of the word "tuba". Your lips should come together then part with a gentle puff of air.

Seah Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right | Audio

Discover how to pronounce "seah" correctly in English. This unique word appears in various contexts, and mastering its pronunciation will enhance your speaking skills. Seah Pronunciation in English IPA /siːə/ Sounds Like (SEE-uh) Breakdown First syllable (SEE) (stress) Make the "see" sound like in "see" or "sea". Open your mouth and form a long "ee" sound. Second syllable (uh) End with a relaxed "uh" sound, like when you say the "a" in "about". Let your mouth naturally relax as you make this sound.

Scythian Pronunciation Guide - Ancient Nomadic Word (Audio)

Discover the fascinating pronunciation of "Scythian," an ancient term referring to nomadic Iranian peoples who dominated the Eurasian steppes. Scythian Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsɪθ.i.ən/ Sounds Like (SITH-ee-uhn) Breakdown First syllable (SITH) (stress) Pronounce 'si' like the 'i' in "bit", followed by 'th' sound like in "thin". Second syllable (ee) Make the 'ee' sound like in "happy". Third syllable (uhn) End with a soft 'uhn' sound, like the 'on' in "button".

Scholastica Pronunciation - Learn How to Say It Right

Discover the proper way to pronounce this educational term that refers to medieval schools and modern institutions. Perfect your pronunciation with our expert guide. Scholastica Pronunciation in English IPA /skəˈlæs.tɪ.kə/ Sounds Like (skuh-LAS-tih-kuh) Breakdown First syllable (skuh) Blend 's' and 'k' sounds together, followed by a quick 'uh' sound like in "up". Second syllable (LAS) (stress) Make the 'a' sound like in "cat", followed by 's' sound. Third syllable (tih) A quick 't' sound followed by a short 'i' like in "bit". Fourth syllable (kuh) End with a 'k' sound followed by a soft 'uh' like in "sofa".

Scepter Pronunciation Guide - Learn Royal Staff Word (Audio)

Discover the fascinating word 'scepter', an ancient symbol of royal authority and power. This ornate staff represents sovereignty in historical ceremonies. Scepter Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsɛp.tər/ Sounds Like (SEP-tur) Breakdown First syllable (SEP) (stress) The "s" sounds like the "s" in "sun", followed by "e" like in "bed", and ends with "p" like in "pen". This syllable has the main stress. Second syllable (tur) Start with a "t" sound like in "top", followed by "ur" which sounds like "er" in "teacher". This syllable is softer and shorter.

Savior Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Like a Native

Discover the proper way to pronounce "savior," a powerful word meaning rescuer or deliverer. Perfect your pronunciation with our easy-to-follow guide. Savior Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈseɪ.vjər/ Sounds Like (SAY-vyur) Breakdown First syllable (SAY) (stress) Pronounce it like saying the word "say". Make this part stronger as it has the main stress. Second syllable (vyur) Start with a 'v' sound, then blend it with 'yur' like in "pure". Keep this part softer and quicker than the first syllable.

Sardis Pronunciation Guide - Ancient City Name (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Sardis," the ancient capital of Lydia. Learn how to say this historic city name with our detailed guide. Sardis Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsɑːr.dɪs/ Sounds Like (SAR-dis) Breakdown First syllable (SAR) (stress) Begin with an 's' sound like in "sun", followed by "ar" as in "car". This syllable is pronounced with more emphasis. Second syllable (dis) Start with a 'd' sound like in "dog", followed by a short 'i' sound like in "bit", and end with an 's' sound like in "bus".

Sarai Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Sarai" - a beautiful Hebrew name meaning "princess." Learn to say this elegant name with our audio guide and detailed breakdown. Sarai Pronunciation in English IPA /səˈraɪ/ Sounds Like (suh-RYE) Breakdown First syllable (suh) Make a soft "s" sound followed by a quick "uh" sound, like when you say "uh" in "up". Keep this syllable short and gentle. Second syllable (RYE) (stress) This is the main stressed syllable. Say it like the word "rye" (as in rye bread). Start with an "r" sound and glide into the "eye" sound, just like when you say "hi" or "my".

Sanctuary Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Sanctuary" - a sacred or holy place. Learn how to properly pronounce this important word with our detailed audio guide. Sanctuary Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsæŋk.tʃ Sounds Like (SANK-choo-er-ee) Breakdown First syllable (SANK) (stress) Begin with an 's' sound like in "sun", followed by the 'a' sound like in "cat", then 'nk' sound like in "bank". Second syllable (choo) Make a 'ch' sound like in "church", followed by 'oo' sound like in "food". Third syllable (er) Make the 'er' sound like in "her" or "nurse". Fourth syllable (ee) End with the 'ee' sound like in "happy" or "baby".

Samuel Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Samuel" with our comprehensive guide. This biblical name has Hebrew origins and is widely used across cultures. Samuel Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsæm.juː.əl/ Sounds Like (SAM-yoo-uhl) Breakdown First syllable (SAM) (stress) The "S" sounds just like in "sun", followed by the "am" sound like in "ham". This is the strongest part of the word. Second syllable (yoo) Make a "y" sound followed by an "oo" sound, just like when you say "you". Third syllable (uhl) End with a quick "uhl" sound, similar to the end of "pencil" or "tunnel". Keep this part light and gentle.

Samson Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Like a Pro [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Samson" with our comprehensive guide. This biblical name carries rich history and meaning - learn to say it confidently. Samson Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsæm.sən/ Sounds Like (SAM-suhn) Breakdown First syllable (SAM) (stress) Begin with an "s" sound like in "sun", followed by the "a" sound like in "cat", and end with an "m" sound. This syllable is pronounced with emphasis. Second syllable (suhn) Start with an "s" sound and end with a quick "uhn" sound, similar to the ending of "button". This syllable is shorter and lighter than the first.

Salu Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Salu" with our easy-to-follow guide. This common greeting has a simple yet specific pronunciation pattern. Salu Pronunciation in English IPA /səˈluː/ Sounds Like (suh-LOO) Breakdown First syllable (suh) Begin with an "s" sound like in "sun", followed by a quick "uh" sound like in "up". This syllable is spoken quickly and lightly. Second syllable (LOO) (stress) The "loo" sound is like the "oo" in "food". This is the stressed syllable, so say it with more emphasis and slightly longer duration.

Salome Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Like a Native [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Salome" with our comprehensive guide. Discover how to say this biblical name accurately and confidently. Salome Pronunciation in English IPA /səˈloʊ.mi/ Sounds Like (suh-LOH-mee) Breakdown First syllable (suh) A soft "suh" sound, like the beginning of "support". Keep it light and quick. Second syllable (LOH) (stress) This is the stressed syllable. Make a clear "oh" sound like in "go" or "flow", preceded by an "l" sound. Third syllable (mee) End with a clear "mee" sound, like the "y" in "happy" or the end of "see". It's light but distinct.

Salmon Pronunciation Guide - How to Say it Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Salmon" with our easy guide. Learn why the 'l' is silent and how to say this common fish name properly. Salmon Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsæm.ən/ Sounds Like (SAM-uhn) Breakdown First syllable (SAM) (stress) Begin with an 's' sound, followed by the 'a' sound like in "cat". Important note: The 'l' in "salmon" is completely silent! Many people make the mistake of pronouncing it. Second syllable (uhn) A quick "uhn" sound that's similar to the ending of words like "button" or "kitten". Your mouth should be relaxed when making this sound.

Salisha Pronunciation - Learn to Say it Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Salisha" with our comprehensive guide. This elegant name has Persian origins and carries a beautiful meaning. Salisha Pronunciation in English IPA /səˈliː.ʃə/ Sounds Like (suh-LEE-shuh) Breakdown First syllable (suh) Begin with an "s" sound like in "sun", followed by a quick "uh" sound like in "up". This syllable is pronounced softly and quickly. Second syllable (LEE) (stress) This is the stressed syllable. Make a clear "l" sound followed by a long "ee" sound like in "see". Hold this syllable slightly longer. Third syllable (shuh) End with a "sh" sound like in "ship", followed by a soft "uh" sound like in "sofa". This syllable should fade gently.

Salem Pronunciation - Learn How to Say It Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Salem" with our comprehensive guide. This historic city name requires careful attention to its two distinct syllables. Salem Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈseɪ.ləm/ Sounds Like (SAY-luhm) Breakdown First syllable (SAY) (stress) The first syllable sounds exactly like the word "say". Make the "s" sound like in "sun", followed by the "ay" sound like in "day". Second syllable (luhm) Start with an "l" sound like in "light", then make a quick "uhm" sound, similar to the "um" in "album". Keep this syllable short and relaxed.

Sadducees Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Term [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Sadducees", an ancient Jewish sect from biblical times. Learn how to say this historical term correctly with our audio guide. Sadducees Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsæd.jʊ.siːz/ Sounds Like (SAD-yuu-seez) Breakdown First syllable (SAD) (stress) Pronounce it like the word "sad" - start with an 's' sound, followed by the 'a' sound like in "cat", and end with a 'd' sound. Second syllable (yuu) Make a quick 'y' sound followed by a short 'uu' sound like in "book". Think of saying "you" but shorter. Third syllable (seez) Begin with an 's' sound and end with a long 'ee' sound like in "see", followed by a buzzing 'z' sound. Similar to saying "seas" or "sees".

Sabeans Pronunciation Guide - Ancient Trading People [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Sabeans," the name of an ancient Arabian trading people. Learn to say this historical term with confidence. Sabeans Pronunciation in English IPA /səˈbiː.ənz/ Sounds Like (suh-BEE-uhnz) Breakdown First syllable (suh) Begin with an 's' sound like in "sun", followed by a quick "uh" sound like in "bus". Second syllable (BEE) (stress) Make a long "ee" sound like in "see". This is the stressed syllable, so say it slightly louder and longer. Third syllable (uhnz) Start with an "uh" sound like in "up", then blend 'n' and 'z' sounds together, like the ending of "gardens".

Sabbath Pronunciation - Learn How to Say It Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Sabbath" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how this religious term is properly pronounced in English. Sabbath Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsæb.əθ/ Sounds Like (SAB-uhth) Breakdown First syllable (SAB) (stress) The "S" sounds just like in "sun". Then make the "a" sound like in "cat", followed by a "b" sound. This is the stressed part of the word, so say it a bit louder. Second syllable (uhth) Start with a quick "uh" sound like in "about". End with a "th" sound like in "think". Make this syllable shorter and quieter than the first one.

Rufus Pronunciation - Learn to Say it Like a Native [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Rufus" - a classic male name with Latin origins. Learn to say this distinctive name confidently with our audio guide. Rufus Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈruː.fəs/ Sounds Like (ROO-fuhs) Breakdown First syllable (ROO) (stress) Make the "roo" sound like in "room". Start with your lips rounded, then make the "r" sound followed by a long "oo" sound like in "food". Second syllable (fuhs) Say "f" like in "fun", then make a quick "uhs" sound like the "us" in "bus". Keep this syllable shorter and lighter than the first one.

Romuald Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say This Unique Name

Master the pronunciation of "Romuald," a distinctive Germanic name meaning "fame ruler." Our guide helps you say it perfectly with audio. Romuald Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈroʊ.mu.ɔːld/ Sounds Like (ROH-moo-awld) Breakdown First syllable (ROH) (stress) Begin with the "r" sound, then make the "oh" sound like in "go". This is the strongest part of the name. Second syllable (moo) Make the "m" sound followed by an "oo" sound like in "moon". Keep this part soft and quick. Third syllable (awld) Start with the "aw" sound like in "saw", then blend it with "ld" like in "old". This creates a smooth ending.

Ritual Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Ritual" with our comprehensive guide. This common word refers to a ceremonial act or customary practice. Ritual Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈrɪ.tʃu.əl/ Sounds Like (RI-choo-uhl) Breakdown First syllable (ri) (stress) The "ri" sounds like the "i" in "bit". Make this sound short and crisp, like when you say "rip" or "rid". Second syllable (choo) The "choo" sounds just like when a train goes "choo choo". It's the same sound you hear in "choose" or "chew". Third syllable (uhl) End with a gentle "uhl" sound, like the end of "pencil" or "normal". Your tongue should rest lightly behind your bottom teeth.

Riblah Pronunciation Guide - How to Say it Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Riblah" with our comprehensive guide. This ancient city name requires careful attention to each syllable for accurate pronunciation. Riblah Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈrɪb.lə/ Sounds Like (RIB-luh) Breakdown First syllable (RIB) (stress) Begin with an "r" sound, followed by the short "i" sound like in "bit", and end with a "b" sound. This syllable is pronounced with more emphasis. Second syllable (luh) Start with an "l" sound and end with a neutral "uh" sound, similar to the "a" in "about". This syllable is spoken more softly and quickly.

Rhegium Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right

Rhegium, an ancient Greek colony in southern Italy, is often mispronounced. Let's explore the correct way to say this historical name that appears in biblical texts. Rhegium Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈriː.dʒi.əm/ Sounds Like (REE-jee-uhm) Breakdown First syllable (REE) (stress) Make the 'ree' sound like the word "reef" without the 'f' at the end. It's a long 'ee' sound, just like in "see" or "bee". Second syllable (jee) Say 'j' like in "jump", followed by a short 'ee' sound like in "happy". Third syllable (uhm) End with a quick 'uhm' sound, similar to saying "um" when you're thinking.

Revelation Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Revelation" with our comprehensive guide. This powerful word, meaning divine disclosure, is essential in religious and general contexts. Revelation Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌrev.əˈleɪ.ʃən/ Sounds Like (rev-uh-LAY-shuhn) Breakdown First syllable (rev) (less stress) Start with the "r" sound, followed by "e" like in "bed", and finish with "v" sound. Think of the start of the word "red". Second syllable (uh) A quick, relaxed "uh" sound, like when you say "uh" in "about". Third syllable (LAY) (stress) This is the stressed part. Say "lay" like in "day" or "play". It's the same sound you make when saying the letter "A". Fourth syllable (shuhn) Begin with a "sh" sound like in "shoe", then end with a soft "uhn" sound, similar to how you end the word "station...

Rezin Pronunciation - Learn How to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Rezin" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how this unique word is properly pronounced in English with audio examples. Rezin Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈrɛ.zɪn/ Sounds Like (REH-zin) Breakdown First syllable (REH) (stress) The "re" sounds like the "e" in "red". Open your mouth slightly and make a short "eh" sound, just like when you say "bed" or "head". Second syllable (zin) Start with a buzzing "z" sound like in "zebra", then add a short "i" sound like in "pin" or "win". The "n" ends the word with a gentle nasal sound.

Reuben Pronunciation - Learn How to Say This Classic Name

Master the correct pronunciation of "Reuben" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to properly say this traditional Hebrew name that's gained worldwide popularity. Reuben Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈruː.bən/ Sounds Like (ROO-buhn) Breakdown First syllable (ROO) (stress) The "roo" sounds exactly like the word "room" without the "m" at the end. Think of a kangaroo - that same "roo" sound. Second syllable (buhn) This part sounds like "bun" as in a hamburger bun, but slightly softer and quicker. The "uh" sound is relaxed, like when you say "the".

Responsorial Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Responsorial" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how this liturgical term is properly pronounced in English. Responsorial Pronunciation in English IPA /rɪˌspɒn.sɔːˈrɪ.əl/ Sounds Like (ri-spon-SAW-ree-uhl) Breakdown First syllable (ri) (less stress) The "ri" sounds like the "i" in "bit". It's a quick, short sound. Second syllable (spon) The "spon" sounds like the first part of "sponsor", with a clear "s" followed by "pon". Third syllable (SAW) (stress) This is the stressed syllable. Make a long "saw" sound, like when you say "I saw a bird". Fourth syllable (ree) The "ree" sounds like the "ee" in "see". It's a clear, long sound. Fifth syllable (uhl) End with a soft "uhl" sound, like the end of "pencil" or "normal".

Saraph Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right | Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Saraph" with our comprehensive guide. This unique word refers to a celestial being in religious texts. Saraph Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈser.əf/ Sounds Like (SAIR-uhf) Breakdown First syllable (SAIR) (stress) Begin with an "s" sound like in "sun", followed by the "air" sound like in "fair". This is the stressed part of the word. Second syllable (uhf) Make a quick "uh" sound like in "up", then end with an "f" sound like in "fun". Keep this syllable shorter and lighter than the first one.

Rephidim Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Place Name Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Rephidim", a significant biblical location mentioned in Exodus. Learn how to say this ancient Hebrew place name. Rephidim Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈrɛf.ɪ.dɪm/ Sounds Like (REF-ih-dim) Breakdown First syllable (REF) (stress) Begin with an "r" sound, followed by "e" like the "e" in "bed", and end with "f" sound. This syllable is pronounced with emphasis. Second syllable (ih) A short "i" sound, like the "i" in "bit". Keep this syllable quick and light. Third syllable (dim) Start with "d" sound, followed by a short "i" like in "dim", and end with "m". This syllable is gentle and flows smoothly.

Remaliah Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Remaliah", a significant biblical name. Learn how to say this ancient Hebrew name with our detailed guide. Remaliah Pronunciation in English IPA /rɛmˈæl.aɪ.ə/ Sounds Like (rem-AL-eye-uh) Breakdown First syllable (rem) Begin with an "r" sound, followed by "e" like the "e" in "bed", and end with "m". Second syllable (AL) (stress) Make the "a" sound like in "cat", followed by a clear "l" sound. Third syllable (eye) Pronounce it like the word "eye" or "I". Fourth syllable (uh) End with a soft "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about".

Rehoboam Pronunciation Guide - Biblical King's Name Audio

Master the pronunciation of "Rehoboam," the biblical king's name. Learn how to say this historical name correctly with our detailed guide. Rehoboam Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌriː.əˈboʊ.əm/ Sounds Like (ree-uh-BOH-uhm) Breakdown First syllable (ree) (less stress) Pronounce it like the "ree" in "reef" - a long "ee" sound, similar to what you hear in "see" or "tree". Second syllable (uh) A quick, relaxed "uh" sound, just like when you say "uh" in "about" or "around". Third syllable (BOH) (stress) Say it like the "bo" in "boat" - make this part louder and stronger than the other parts. Fourth syllable (uhm) End with a soft "uhm" sound, similar to how you end the word "bottom" or "wisdom".

Rebekah Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Rebekah", a beautiful biblical name. Learn how to say this timeless Hebrew name with confidence. Rebekah Pronunciation in English IPA /rɪˈbɛk.ə/ Sounds Like (rih-BEK-uh) Breakdown First syllable (rih) Start with an 'r' sound, followed by a short 'i' sound like in "bit" or "sit". Second syllable (BEK) (stress) Begin with a 'b' sound, followed by 'e' like in "bed", and end with a 'k' sound. Third syllable (uh) End with a relaxed "uh" sound, like the 'a' in "about".

Raphael Pronunciation - Learn to Say Artist's Name [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Raphael," the renowned Renaissance artist's name. Follow our step-by-step guide with audio to pronounce it perfectly. Raphael Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈræf.i.əl/ Sounds Like (RAF-ee-uhl) Breakdown First syllable (RAF) (stress) Begin with the "r" sound, followed by the "a" like in "cat", and end with "f" sound. This is the strongest part of the word. Second syllable (ee) Make the "ee" sound like in "see". Keep this syllable short and light. Third syllable (uhl) End with a gentle "uhl" sound, similar to the end of "angel". This syllable is very soft and relaxed.

Ramathaim Pronunciation Guide - Biblical City Name (Audio)

Master the pronunciation of "Ramathaim," an ancient Biblical city name. Learn how to say this historical Hebrew word with our detailed guide and audio example. Ramathaim Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌræm.əˈθeɪ.ɪm/ Sounds Like (ram-uh-THAY-im) Breakdown First syllable (ram) (less stress) Pronounce "ram" like the male sheep. Start with the "r" sound, followed by the "a" sound like in "cat", and end with "m". Second syllable (uh) A quick, relaxed "uh" sound, like when you say "a" in "about". Third syllable (thay) (stress) Make the "th" sound (like in "think"), followed by a long "ay" sound as in "day". Fourth syllable (im) Say "im" with a short "i" sound like in "him", ending with "m".

Ramah Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Ramah" with our clear audio guide. Learn how this Biblical place name is properly pronounced in English. Ramah Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈrɑː.mə/ Sounds Like (RAH-muh) Breakdown First syllable (RAH) (stress) Begin with an 'r' sound, followed by 'ah' sound like the 'a' in "car". Second syllable (muh) Make an 'm' sound followed by an unstressed 'uh' sound, similar to the 'a' in "about".

Ram Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say It Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Ram" with our easy guide. Learn how to say this common word used for male sheep and computer memory. Ram Pronunciation in English IPA /ræm/ Sounds Like (RAM) Breakdown Single syllable (RAM) Begin with the "r" sound, followed by the "a" sound like in "cat", and end with the "m" sound. The entire word is pronounced as one quick sound, just like when you say "ham" or "jam".

Rahab Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Rahab", a significant biblical figure's name. Learn how to say this historical name with confidence. Rahab Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈreɪ.hæb/ Sounds Like (RAY-hab) Breakdown First syllable (RAY) (stress) The "RAY" sounds exactly like the word "ray" of sunshine. Start with an "r" sound, followed by a long "ay" sound like in "day" or "say". Second syllable (hab) Begin with a light "h" sound, like when you breathe on a window. Then make the "a" sound like in "cat" or "hat", and finish with a "b" sound by bringing your lips together.

Raguel Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Raguel", a significant biblical name. Learn how to say this ancient Hebrew name with our detailed guide. Raguel Pronunciation in English IPA /ræ.ɡju.ɛl/ Sounds Like (RAG-yoo-el) Breakdown First syllable (RAG) (stress) Begin with the "r" sound, followed by the "a" sound like in "cat", and end with a hard "g" sound. Second syllable (yoo) Make a smooth "y" sound followed by an "oo" sound like in "food". Third syllable (el) Start with a short "e" sound like in "bed", and finish with an "l" sound.

Rabboni Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Term [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Rabboni," a significant Biblical term meaning "teacher" or "master." Learn to say this ancient Aramaic word correctly. Rabboni Pronunciation in English IPA /rəˈboʊ.ni/ Sounds Like (ruh-BOH-nee) Breakdown First syllable (ruh) Begin with an "r" sound, followed by a quick "uh" sound like in "butter". Second syllable (BOH) (stress) Make the "b" sound followed by a long "oh" sound, just like when you say "go" or "flow". Third syllable (nee) End with an "n" sound followed by an "ee" sound, similar to the end of "honey" or "money".

Rabbi Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Like a Pro (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Rabbi" - a Jewish religious leader and teacher. Learn how to say this important religious title accurately. Rabbi Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈræb.aɪ/ Sounds Like (RAB-eye) Breakdown First syllable (RAB) (stress) Start with the "r" sound, followed by the "a" sound like in "cat", and end with a "b" sound. This syllable is pronounced with more emphasis. Second syllable (eye) Pronounced exactly like the word "eye" - it's the same sound you make when saying "I" or "my". Think of looking with your eye to remember this sound.

Rabbah Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical City Name [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Rabbah," the ancient Ammonite capital city mentioned in the Bible. Learn to say this historical name correctly with our audio guide. Rabbah Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈræb.ə/ Sounds Like (RAB-uh) Breakdown First syllable (RAB) (stress) Begin with the "r" sound, followed by the "æ" sound like in "cat", and end with a "b" sound. This syllable is pronounced with emphasis. Second syllable (uh) A short, unstressed "uh" sound, similar to the "a" in "about". This syllable is spoken quickly and softly.

Raamses Pronunciation - Ancient Egyptian King Name [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Raamses," the name of ancient Egyptian pharaohs. Learn how to say this historical name with our detailed pronunciation guide. Raamses Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈræm.siːz/ Sounds Like (RAM-seez) Breakdown First syllable (RAM) (stress) Begin with the 'r' sound, followed by the 'a' sound like in "cat", and end with 'm' sound. This syllable is pronounced with more emphasis. Second syllable (seez) Start with the 's' sound, followed by a long 'ee' sound like in "see", and finish with a 'z' sound like in "buzz". This creates a smooth, flowing end to the name.

Quirinius Pronunciation - Learn Ancient Roman Name (Audio)

Master the pronunciation of "Quirinius," an ancient Roman name. This comprehensive guide helps you pronounce this historical name with confidence. Quirinius Pronunciation in English IPA /kwɪˈrɪn.i.əs/ Sounds Like (kwih-RIN-ee-uhs) Breakdown First syllable (kwih) Combine 'k' and 'w' sounds together, followed by 'i' like in "bit". Second syllable (RIN) (stress) The 'r' sound followed by the short 'i' like in "pin", ending with 'n'. Third syllable (ee) Make the 'ee' sound like in "see". Fourth syllable (uhs) A quick 'uh' sound followed by 's', similar to the end of "bonus".

Quartus Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Quartus" with our comprehensive guide. This Latin-derived word is commonly used in technology and classical contexts. Quartus Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈkwɔːr.təs/ Sounds Like (KWOR-tuhs) Breakdown First syllable (KWOR) (stress) Begin with a 'k' sound, followed by 'w' like in "water", then make the 'or' sound like in "more". This creates the strong "kwor" sound. Second syllable (tuhs) Start with a clear 't' sound, then make a quick 'uh' sound like in "bus", and finish with an 's' sound like in "bus". The syllable should be lighter and quicker than the first one.

Qoheleth Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Hebrew Word

Qoheleth is a Hebrew word meaning "teacher" or "preacher" that appears in the Book of Ecclesiastes. Let's explore its authentic pronunciation with our expert guide. Qoheleth Pronunciation in English IPA /koʊˈhɛ.lɛθ/ Sounds Like (koh-HEH-leth) Breakdown First syllable (koh) Start with a 'k' sound, followed by the 'oh' sound like in "go". Second syllable (HEH) (stress) Make the 'he' sound like the 'e' in "bed". Third syllable (leth) Begin with an 'l' sound, followed by 'eth' like in "method" but with a softer 'th' ending.

Puteoli Pronunciation - Ancient Roman Port City Name [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Puteoli," the ancient Roman port city name. Learn how to say this historical term correctly with our detailed guide. Puteoli Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌpjuː.tiˈoʊ.li/ Sounds Like (pyoo-tee-OH-lee) Breakdown First syllable (pyoo) (less stress) Begin with a "p" sound, then blend it with the "y" sound, followed by an "oo" sound like in "food". Second syllable (tee) Make a clear "t" sound followed by an "ee" sound like in "see". Third syllable (OH) (stress) Make a clear "oh" sound like in "go". This is the stressed syllable, so say it slightly louder. Fourth syllable (lee) End with an "l" sound followed by an "ee" sound like in "see".

Put Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Put" with our easy-to-follow guide. Learn how to say this common English verb confidently and naturally. Put Pronunciation in English IPA /pʊt/ Sounds Like (poot) Breakdown Single syllable (poot) Begin with a 'p' sound by gently pressing your lips together and releasing a small puff of air. Then make the 'oo' sound like in "book" or "foot". End with a clear 't' sound by touching your tongue to the roof of your mouth behind your top front teeth. Tips: - The word rhymes with "foot" and "soot" - Keep the sound short and crisp - Don't confuse it with "putt" (as in golf) which has a different vowel sound - The 't' at the end should be clearly pronounced

Publius Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say This Latin Name

Master the correct pronunciation of "Publius," a classical Latin name. Learn how to say this historical Roman name with our detailed guide. Publius Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈpʌəs/ Sounds Like (PUB-lee-uhs) Breakdown First syllable (PUB) (stress) Start with a "p" sound, followed by the "u" sound like in "bus". End with a "b" sound. Second syllable (lee) Make an "l" sound followed by a long "ee" sound like in "see". Third syllable (uhs) A quick "uh" sound followed by an "s" sound, similar to the end of "bonus".

Psalm Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Term (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Psalm" - a sacred song or hymn in religious texts. Learn how to say this important biblical term with our audio guide. Psalm Pronunciation in English IPA /sɑːm/ Sounds Like (sahm) Breakdown Single syllable (sahm) The word "Psalm" is pronounced as one smooth sound. The "P" is silent, so we only pronounce the "s" followed by an "ah" sound (like the "a" in "father"). The word ends with an "m" sound. Think of it like saying "Sam" but with a longer "ah" sound in the middle. Important Notes: - The "P" at the beginning is completely silent - The "a" makes a long "ah" sound like in "father" - The "l" is also silent - End with a clear "m" sound

Prophetess Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Prophetess" - a female prophet or religious leader. This comprehensive guide helps you pronounce this important term correctly. Prophetess Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈprɒf.ɪ.təs/ Sounds Like (PROF-ih-tuhs) Breakdown First syllable (PROF) (stress) Begin with a "p" sound, followed by "r", then make the "o" sound like in "hot". End with "f" sound. This is the strongest part of the word. Second syllable (ih) Make a quick "i" sound like in "bit". Keep this syllable light and short. Third syllable (tuhs) Start with a "t" sound, then make a quick "uh" sound, and finish with an "s" sound like in "bus". This syllable is gentle and flows smoothly.

Prochorus Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name (Audio)

Master the pronunciation of "Prochorus," a significant biblical name. This step-by-step guide helps you pronounce this historical name correctly. Prochorus Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈprɒk.ə.rəs/ Sounds Like (PROK-uh-ruhs) Breakdown First syllable (PROK) (stress) Begin with a 'p' sound, followed by 'r', then make an 'o' sound like in "hot", and end with a 'k' sound. Second syllable (uh) Make a quick, relaxed 'uh' sound, like the 'a' in "about". Third syllable (ruhs) Start with an 'r' sound, followed by a quick 'uh' sound, and finish with an 's' sound.

Prisca Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Prisca" with our comprehensive guide. This elegant Latin name carries historical significance and requires precise pronunciation. Prisca Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈprɪs.kə/ Sounds Like (PRIS-kuh) Breakdown First syllable (PRIS) (stress) Begin with a "p" sound, followed by "r", then make the "i" sound like in "bit". End with an "s" sound. Think of how you say the first part of the word "prison". Second syllable (kuh) Start with a "k" sound, then make a quick "uh" sound like in "about". This syllable is lighter and shorter than the first one.

Presbyter Pronunciation - Learn Church Official Term [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Presbyter," a significant church term referring to an elder or priest. Our guide helps you say this historical religious title correctly. Presbyter Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈprɛz.bɪ.tər/ Sounds Like (PREZ-bi-tur) Breakdown First syllable (PREZ) (stress) Begin with a "p" sound, followed by "r," then make the "e" sound like in "bed," and finish with a "z" sound like in "zoom." Second syllable (bi) Make a quick "b" sound followed by a short "i" sound like in "bit" or "sit." Third syllable (tur) Start with a "t" sound, then make the "er" sound like in "teacher" or "worker."

Praetorium Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right

Discover the fascinating history and proper pronunciation of "praetorium" - an ancient Roman governor's headquarters. This guide helps you master this historical term with ease. Praetorium Pronunciation in English IPA /prɪˈtɔː.ri.əm/ Sounds Like (pri-TOR-ee-uhm) Breakdown First syllable (pri) Start with 'p' sound, followed by 'ri' like the 'i' in "bit". Second syllable (TOR) (stress) Make a 't' sound, followed by 'or' like in "or". Third syllable (ee) Say 'ee' like in "see". Fourth syllable (uhm) End with 'uhm' like in "um".

Pontus Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Pontus" with our comprehensive guide. This ancient Greek name carries historical significance and requires precise pronunciation. Pontus Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈpɒn.təs/ Sounds Like (PON-tuhs) Breakdown First syllable (PON) (stress) The "PON" sounds exactly like the beginning of "pond". Start with a "p" sound, followed by the "o" sound like in "hot", and end with an "n" sound. Second syllable (tuhs) Begin with a "t" sound, then make a quick "uh" sound like in "bus", and finish with a soft "s" sound like in "bus". This syllable is lighter and quicker than the first one.

Pontian Pronunciation Guide - Learn Greek City Name [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Pontian" with our comprehensive guide. Discover how to properly say this Greek-derived word with confidence. Pontian Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈpɒn.ti.ən/ Sounds Like (PON-tee-uhn) Breakdown First syllable (PON) (stress) Start with a 'p' sound, followed by the 'o' sound like in "hot". End with an 'n' sound. Second syllable (tee) Make a clear 't' sound, followed by an 'ee' sound like in "see". Third syllable (uhn) Begin with a short 'uh' sound like in "cup", end with a soft 'n' sound.

Polycarp Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Polycarp" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how this ancient name is properly pronounced in English. Polycarp Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈpɒl.i.kɑːrp/ Sounds Like (POL-ee-karp) Breakdown First syllable (POL) (stress) Start with a "p" sound, followed by the "o" sound like in "hot", and end with an "l" sound. Second syllable (ee) Make the "ee" sound like in "happy" - it's a short, quick sound. Third syllable (karp) Begin with a "k" sound, followed by "ar" as in "car", and finish with a "p" sound.

Pleiades Pronunciation Guide - Learn Star Cluster Name (Audio)

Master the pronunciation of "Pleiades", the famous star cluster's name. Learn how to say this astronomical term correctly with our detailed guide. Pleiades Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈplaɪ.ə.diːz/ Sounds Like (PLY-uh-deez) Breakdown First syllable (PLY) (stress) Blend 'p' and 'l' together, then add the 'y' sound like in "fly" or "sky". This creates "ply". Second syllable (uh) A quick, soft "uh" sound, like when you say "a" in "about". It's very light and quick. Third syllable (deez) Start with 'd' sound, then make a long "ee" sound like in "see", and finish with a 'z' sound like in "biz".

Pithom Pronunciation - Learn How to Say it Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Pithom" with our comprehensive guide. This ancient Egyptian city name requires careful attention to each syllable. Pithom Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈpaɪ.θəm/ Sounds Like (PIE-thuhm) Breakdown First syllable (PIE) (stress) Pronounce it like the word "pie" - start with a 'p' sound followed by the 'ai' sound like in "tie" or "hi". Second syllable (thuhm) Begin with a 'th' sound like in "think", then add a quick 'uhm' sound similar to the end of "bottom".