
Showing posts from December, 2024


Ambidextrous IPA [ˌæm-bɪ-ˈdɛk-strəs] Sounds Like (am-bi- dek -struhs) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (am) (less stress) Start with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by an M sound. Second syllable (bi) Begin with a B sound followed by a short 'i' sound as in 'bit'. Third syllable (dek) (stress) Start with a D sound, followed by the 'e' sound as in 'bed', and end with a K sound. Fourth syllable (struhs) ...


Adopted IPA [əˈdɑːp-tɪd] Sounds Like (uh- daap -tid) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (uh) This syllable consists of a schwa sound (ə), which is a neutral, unstressed vowel sound like the 'a' in 'about'. Second syllable (daap) (stress) Begin with a D sound, followed by a long 'aa' sound as in 'father', and end with a P sound. Third syllable (tid) Start with a T sound, followed by a short 'i' sound as in 'bit', and end with a...


Asymptotic IPA [ˌæs-ɪm-ˈtɑː-tɪk] Sounds Like (as-im- taa -tik) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (as) (less stress) Begin with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by an S sound. Second syllable (im) Start with a short 'i' sound as in 'bit', followed by an M sound. Third syllable (taa) (stress) Begin with a T sound, followed by a long 'aa' sound as in 'father'. Fourth syllable (tik) Start with a T sound,...


Acrobat IPA [ˈæk-rə-ˌbæt] Sounds Like ( ak -ruh-bat) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (ak) (stress) Start with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by a K sound. Second syllable (ruh) Begin with an R sound followed by a schwa sound (like the 'a' in 'about'). Third syllable (bat) (less stress) Start with a B sound, followed by a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', and end with a T sound.


Armature IPA [ˈɑːr-mə-tʃɚ] Sounds Like ( ar -muh-chur) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (ar) (stress) Begin with the 'ar' sound as in 'start'. Second syllable (muh) Start with an M sound followed by a schwa sound (like the 'a' in 'about'). Third syllable (chur) Begin with a CH sound, followed by the 'ur' sound as in 'fur'.


Aegean IPA [ɪˈdʒiː-ən] Sounds Like (ih- jee -uhn) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (ih) Begin with a short 'i' sound as in 'bit'. Second syllable (jee) (stress) Start with a 'j' sound as in 'jump', followed by a long 'ee' sound as in 'see'. Third syllable (uhn) Begin with a schwa sound followed by an 'n' sound.


Advisable IPA [əd-ˈvaɪ-zə-bᵊl] Sounds Like (uhd- vai -zuh-b'l) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (uhd) Begin with a schwa sound (ə) followed by a D sound. Second syllable (vai) (stress) Start with a V sound, followed by the 'ai' diphthong as in 'eye'. Third syllable (zuh) Begin with a Z sound followed by a schwa sound. Fourth syllable (b'l) Start with a B sound, followed by a very brief schwa sound, and end with an L sound. ...


Astonished IPA [əˈstɑː-nɪʃt] Sounds Like (uh- staa -nisht) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (uh) This syllable consists of a schwa sound (ə), which is a neutral, unstressed vowel sound like the 'a' in 'about'. Second syllable (staa) (stress) Begin with an S sound followed by a T sound, then the 'aa' sound as in 'father'. Third syllable (nisht) Start with an N sound, followed by a short 'i' sound as in 'bit', then 'sh...


Allotted IPA [əˈlɑː-tɪd] Sounds Like (uh- laa -tid) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (uh) This syllable consists of a schwa sound (ə), which is a neutral, unstressed vowel sound like the 'a' in 'about'. Second syllable (laa) (stress) Begin with an L sound, followed by the 'aa' sound as 'a' in 'father'. Third syllable (tid) Start with a T sound, followed by a short 'i' sound as in 'bit', and end with a D sound. ...


Ampoule IPA [ˈæm-puːl] Sounds Like ( am -pool) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (am) stress Start with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by an M sound. Second syllable (pool) Begin with a P sound followed by a long 'oo' sound as in 'food', and end with an L sound.


Altered IPA [ˈɔːl-tɚd] Sounds Like ( awl -turd) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (awl) stress Start with the 'aw' sound as in 'short', followed by an L sound. Second syllable (turd) Begin with a T sound, followed by the 'ur' sound as in 'nurse', and end with a D sound.


Avocado IPA [ˌæv-əˈkɑː-doʊ] Sounds Like (av-uh- kah -doh) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (av) less stress Start with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by a V sound. Second syllable (uh) A quick schwa sound, like the 'a' in 'about'. Third syllable (kah) stress Begin with a K sound followed by the 'ah' sound as in 'father'. Fourth syllable (doh) Start with a D sound and end with the 'oh' soun...


Arkansas IPA [ˈɑːr-kənˌsɔː] Sounds Like ( ar -kan-saw) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (ar) stress Start with the 'ar' sound as in 'start'. Second syllable (kan) Begin with a K sound followed by a weak 'a' sound as in 'can', and end with an N sound. Third syllable (saw) less stress Make an S sound followed by the 'aw' sound as in 'saw'.


Afterwards IPA [ˈæf-tɚ-wɚdz] Sounds Like ( af -ter-werdz) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (af) stress Start with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by an F sound. Second syllable (ter) Begin with a T sound followed by an 'er' sound as in 'teacher'. Third syllable (werdz) Start with a W sound, followed by an 'er' sound as in 'teacher', and end with a DZ sound cluster.


Avid IPA [ˈæv-ɪd] Sounds Like ( av -id) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (av) stress Start with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by a V sound. Second syllable (id) Begin with a short 'i' sound as in 'sit', followed by a D sound.


Alloy IPA [əˈlɔɪ] Sounds Like (uh- loy ) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (uh) Begin with a schwa sound (ə), which is a neutral, unstressed vowel sound like the 'a' in 'about'. Second syllable (loy) stress Start with an L sound followed by the 'oy' diphthong as in 'boy'.


Angelic IPA [ænˈdʒɛl-ɪk] Sounds Like (an- jel -ik) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (an) Start with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by an N sound. Second syllable (jel) stress Begin with a J sound as in 'just', followed by the 'e' sound as in 'bed', and end with an L sound. Third syllable (ik) Start with a short 'i' sound as in 'sit', and end with a K sound.


Apothecary IPA [əˈpɑː-θə-ˌkɛr-i] Sounds Like (uh- pah -thuh-kehr-ee) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (uh) This syllable consists of a schwa sound (ə), which is a neutral, unstressed vowel sound like the 'a' in 'about'. Second syllable (pah) (stress) Start with a P sound followed by an 'ah' sound as in 'father'. Third syllable (thuh) Begin with a TH sound as in 'thin', followed by a schwa sound. Fourth syllable (kehr) (les...


Amazon IPA [ˈæm-ə-zɑːn] Sounds Like ( am -uh-zahn) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (am) stress Start with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by an M sound. Second syllable (uh) A quick schwa sound, like the 'a' in 'about'. Third syllable (zahn) Begin with a Z sound, followed by the 'ah' sound as in 'father', and end with an N sound.


Atheist IPA [ˈeɪ-θi-ɪst] Sounds Like ( ay -thee-ist) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (ay) stress This syllable contains the 'ay' diphthong as in 'day'. Second syllable (thee) Start with a TH sound as in 'thin', followed by a long 'ee' sound as in 'see'. Third syllable (ist) Begin with a short 'i' sound as in 'sit', followed by an S sound and ending with a T sound.