

IPA [əˈkweɪn-tɪd]
Sounds Like (uh-kwein-tid)


First syllable (uh)
Begin with a schwa sound (ə), which is the most neutral vowel sound in English. It's similar to the unstressed 'a' in 'about' - a quick, relaxed sound made in the middle of your mouth without any tension. Think of it as the sound you make when you're thinking "uh..." - but even shorter and lighter.

Second syllable (kwein) stress
Start with a quick 'k' sound, immediately followed by a 'w' glide. Then move into the 'ei' diphthong - this is a sliding sound that begins with your mouth in position for 'e' (as in 'bed') and smoothly transitions to 'i' (as in 'sit'). Finally, add a clear 'n' sound, with your tongue touching the roof of your mouth behind your top teeth.

Third syllable (tid)
Begin with a crisp 't' sound, made by touching your tongue to the ridge behind your upper teeth and releasing a small puff of air. Follow with a short 'i' sound as in 'sit', keeping your mouth relaxed. End with a clear 'd' sound - similar to the 't' position but with your vocal cords vibrating. The entire syllable should be pronounced quickly and lightly, as it's unstressed.


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