The word 'allopathy' has four syllables, and the primary stress is on the second syllable:
Pronunciation: uh-laa-puh-thee [IPA: əˈlɑː.pə.θi]
- uh: Start with just the schwa sound. To make this sound, your mouth should be completely relaxed. This vowel is super short, as if it doesn't even exist.
- laa: The second syllable begins with an L sound and transitions to a long 'aa' sound as in 'father'.
- puh: Start with a P sound and move to another schwa sound. Keep it short and relaxed.
- thee: Begin with a voiceless TH sound (as in 'think') and move into a tense 'ee' sound as in 'sheep'.
Practice each syllable separately at first, then gradually connect them together: uh-laa-puh-thee.
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