Angiogram Pronunciation in English:
IPA: [ˈæn-dʒi-oʊ-ˌɡræm]
Sounds Like: (an-jee-oh-gram)
First syllable (an) stress
The letter 'a' sounds like /æ/ as in 'bat', followed by the 'n' sound.
Second syllable (jee)
The letters 'gi' make a 'j' sound /dʒ/ followed by a long 'ee' sound /i/.
Third syllable (oh)
The letters 'o' make a long 'oh' sound /oʊ/ as in 'boat'.
Fourth syllable (gram) less stress
Starts with a hard 'g' sound, followed by 'r', then the 'a' sound /æ/, and ends with 'm'.
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