IPA [ɔːˌθɛn-tɪˈkeɪ-ʃᵊn]
Sounds Like (aw-then-ti-kay-sh'n)
First syllable (aw) less stress
Begin with the 'aw' sound as in 'short'. This is a long vowel sound made with rounded lips.
Second syllable (then)
Start with a TH sound as in 'thin', followed by the 'e' sound as in 'bed', and end with an N sound.
Third syllable (ti)
Begin with a T sound followed by a short 'i' sound as in 'sit'.
Fourth syllable (kay) stress
Start with a K sound followed by the 'ay' diphthong as in 'day'.
Fifth syllable (sh'n)
Begin with a SH sound, followed by a very brief schwa sound, and end with an N sound.
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