
Showing posts from January, 2025


Awhile IPA [əˈwaɪl] Sounds Like (uh- wile ) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (uh) Make a short 'uh' sound, like when you say 'up' or 'umbrella'. Second syllable (wile) (stress) Say 'w' followed by the 'ile' sound, just like when you say 'smile' or 'mile'.


Artiste IPA [ɑːrˈtiːst] Sounds Like (ar- teest ) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (ar) Make the 'ar' sound like in 'art', stretching it slightly. Second syllable (teest) (stress) Say 'tee' like a long 'ee' in 'see', then add 'st' at the end.


Antepenultimate IPA [ˌæn-ti-pəˈnʌl-tɪ-mət] Sounds Like (an-tee-puh- nuhl -ti-muht) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (an) (less stress) Like the 'a' in 'cat', followed by 'n'. Second syllable (tee) Just like the word 'tea' that you drink. Third syllable (puh) A quick 'puh' sound, like when you're starting to say 'puppy'. Fourth syllable (nuhl) (stress) Like 'null' but shorter and quicker. ...


Adversely IPA [ædˈvɝːs-li] Sounds Like (ad- vurs -lee) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (ad) Start with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by a D sound. Second syllable (vurs) (stress) Begin with a V sound, followed by the 'ur' sound as in 'fur', and end with an S sound. Third syllable (lee) Start with an L sound and end with a long 'ee' sound as in 'see'.


Abomination IPA [əˌbɑː-mə-ˈneɪ-ʃᵊn] Sounds Like (uh-baa-muh- nay -sh'n) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (uh) A neutral schwa sound, similar to the 'a' in 'about'. This is an unstressed vowel sound that's quick and light. Second syllable (baa) (less stress) Combine a 'b' consonant with a long 'aa' vowel sound, similar to the sound in 'father'. The syllable has secondary emphasis. Third syllable (muh) Join an 'm' cons...


Abalone IPA [ˌæb-ə-ˈloʊ-ni] Sounds Like (ab-uh- loh -nee) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (ab) (less stress) Start with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by a B sound. Second syllable (uh) A quick schwa sound, like the 'a' in 'about'. Third syllable (loh) (stress) Begin with an L sound, followed by the 'oh' sound as in 'go'. Fourth syllable (nee) Start with an N sound, followed by a long 'ee...


Analyst IPA [ˈæn-ə-lɪst] Sounds Like ( an -uh-list) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (an) (stress) Start with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by an N sound. Second syllable (uh) A quick schwa sound, like the 'a' in 'about'. Third syllable (list) Begin with an L sound, followed by a short 'i' sound as in 'bit', and end with ST sounds.


Awl IPA [ɔːl] Sounds Like ( awl ) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown Single syllable (awl) Make the 'aw' sound as in 'saw', followed by an L sound.


Apologia IPA [ˌæp-əˈloʊ-dʒɪ-ə] Sounds Like (ap-uh- loh -jee-uh) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (ap) (less stress) Start with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by a P sound. Second syllable (uh) A quick schwa sound, like the 'a' in 'about'. Third syllable (loh) (stress) Begin with an L sound, followed by the 'oh' sound as in 'go'. Fourth syllable (jee) Start with a J sound followed by a long 'ee...


Alchemist IPA [ˈæl-kə-mɪst] Sounds Like ( al -kuh-mist) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (al) (stress) Start with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by an L sound. Second syllable (kuh) Begin with a K sound followed by a schwa sound (like the 'a' in 'about'). Third syllable (mist) Start with an M sound, followed by a short 'i' sound as in 'bit', and end with ST sounds.


Alchemy IPA [ˈæl-kə-mi] Sounds Like ( al -kuh-mee) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (al) (stress) Start with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by an L sound. Second syllable (kuh) Begin with a K sound followed by a schwa sound (like the 'a' in 'about'). Third syllable (mee) Start with an M sound followed by a long 'ee' sound as in 'see'.


Amish IPA [ˈɑː-mɪʃ] Sounds Like ( aa -mish) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (aa) (stress) Begin with a long 'aa' sound as in 'father'. Second syllable (mish) Start with an M sound, followed by a short 'i' sound as in 'bit', and end with a 'sh' sound. Some other variances include [ˈæ-mɪʃ] (a-mish), where the first syllable uses the short 'a' sound as in 'cat'.


Alumnae IPA [əˈlʌm-neɪ] Sounds Like (uh- lum -nay) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (uh) This syllable consists of a schwa sound (ə), which is a neutral, unstressed vowel sound like the 'a' in 'about'. Second syllable (lum) (stress) Begin with an L sound, followed by a short 'u' sound as in 'cup', and end with an M sound. Third syllable (nay) Start with an N sound, followed by the 'ay' diphthong as in 'day'.


Antonio IPA [æn-ˈtoʊ-ni-oʊ] Sounds Like (an- toh -nee-oh) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (an) Begin with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by an N sound. Second syllable (toh) (stress) Start with a T sound, followed by a long 'oh' sound as in 'go'. Third syllable (nee) Begin with an N sound followed by a long 'ee' sound as in 'see'. Fourth syllable (oh) End with another long 'oh' sound as i...


Arbitrarily IPA [ˌɑːr-bɪˈtrɛr-ɪ-li] Sounds Like (ar-bi- trer -i-lee) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (ar) (less stress) Begin with the 'ar' sound as in 'start'. Second syllable (bi) Start with a B sound followed by a short 'i' sound as in 'bit'. Third syllable (trer) (stress) Begin with a T sound, followed by an R sound, then the 'er' sound as in 'better'. Fourth syllable (i) A short 'i' sound as ...


Abseil IPA [ˈæb-seɪl] Sounds Like ( ab -sail) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (ab) (stress) Start with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by a B sound. Second syllable (sail) Begin with an S sound, followed by the 'ai' diphthong as in 'day', and end with an L sound.


Afghanistan IPA [æf-ˈɡæn-ɪ-stæn] Sounds Like (af- gan -ih-stan) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (af) Begin with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by an F sound. Second syllable (gan) (stress) Start with a hard G sound, followed by a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', and end with an N sound. Third syllable (ih) A short 'i' sound as in 'bit'. Fourth syllable (stan) Begin with an S sound, followed by a T so...


Archon IPA [ˈɑːr-kɒn] Sounds Like ( ar -kon) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (ar) (stress) Begin with the 'ar' sound as in 'start'. Second syllable (kon) Start with a K sound, followed by a short 'o' sound as in 'hot', and end with an N sound.


Arcana IPA [ɑːr-ˈkeɪ-nə] Sounds Like (ar- kay -nuh) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (ar) Begin with the 'ar' sound as in 'start'. Second syllable (kay) (stress) Start with a K sound, followed by the 'ay' diphthong as in 'day'. Third syllable (nuh) Begin with an N sound followed by a schwa sound (like the 'a' in 'about').


Ambivalence IPA [æm-ˈbɪv-ə-ləns] Sounds Like (am- biv -uh-luhns) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (am) Begin with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by an M sound. Second syllable (biv) (stress) Start with a B sound, followed by a short 'i' sound as in 'bit', and end with a V sound. Third syllable (uh) A quick schwa sound, like the 'a' in 'about'. Fourth syllable (luhns) Begin with an L sound, followe...