
Showing posts from January, 2025

Pomegranate Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right

Pomegranate is a delicious fruit with a unique name that can be tricky to pronounce. Let's break down each syllable to help you master its pronunciation with confidence. Pomegranate Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈpɒm.ɪ.ɡræn.ɪt/ Sounds Like (POM-ih-gran-it) Breakdown First syllable (POM) (stress) Say it like the "pom" in "pompom". Make this part strong and clear, with an 'o' sound like in "hot". Second syllable (ih) A quick, light 'ih' sound, like the 'i' in "bit". Keep it short and relaxed. Third syllable (gran) Start with a 'g' sound, followed by 'r', then the 'a' sound like in "cat". Say it smoothly together. Fourth syllable (it) End with a quick 'it' sound, like the word "it". Keep it short and light.

Philistines Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right

Discover the fascinating history and proper pronunciation of "Philistines" - an ancient people group mentioned in biblical texts. Master this historical term with our audio guide. Philistines Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈfɪl.ɪ.staɪnz/ Sounds Like (FIL-ih-stynz) Breakdown First syllable (FIL) (stress) The 'F' sounds like the 'f' in "fun", followed by a short 'i' sound like in "bit", and end with 'l' sound. Second syllable (ih) A quick 'i' sound like in "bit" or "sit". Third syllable (stynz) Begin with 's' sound, then 't', followed by long 'y' sound like in "my", then add 'n' and finish with a 'z' sound.

Pharisees Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Term (Audio)

Discover the authentic pronunciation of "Pharisees", an important term from biblical history. This ancient Jewish group's name often causes confusion - let's master its correct pronunciation. Pharisees Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈfer.ə.siːz/ Sounds Like (FAIR-uh-seez) Breakdown First syllable (FAIR) (stress) Pronounce it like the word "fair" - just like when we say "That's fair!" Second syllable (uh) A quick, soft "uh" sound, like when you say "uh" in "about". Third syllable (seez) Say it like "sees" - just like when you say "He sees the bird".

Pharaoh Pronunciation Guide - Learn How To Say It Right

Discover the fascinating history and proper pronunciation of "pharaoh" - the ancient Egyptian ruler. This guide breaks down each sound to help you master this historical term. Pharaoh Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈfer.oʊ/ Sounds Like (FAIR-oh) Breakdown First syllable (FAIR) (stress) Begin with the 'f' sound, followed by the 'air' sound like in the word "fair". This is the stressed part of the word that we say with more emphasis. Second syllable (oh) End with a simple 'oh' sound, just like when you say "go". This part is shorter and lighter than the first syllable.

Prahran Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right

Prahran is a trendy suburb in Melbourne, Australia. Many find this name tricky to pronounce correctly. Let's learn the proper way to say it together. Prahran Pronunciation in English IPA /prəˈræn/ Sounds Like (pruh-RAN) Breakdown First syllable (pruh) Start with a 'p' sound, followed by 'r', then make a quick 'uh' sound like in "up". Second syllable (RAN) (stress) Say 'ran' just like the word "ran" (past tense of run). This syllable gets the main emphasis.

Persia Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say it Right

Persia refers to an ancient empire in modern-day Iran. This two-syllable word has Persian origins and is commonly used in historical contexts. Persia Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈpɝː.ʒə/ Sounds Like (PUR-zhuh) Breakdown First syllable (PUR) (stress) Start with a 'p' sound, followed by the 'ur' sound like in "nurse". Second syllable (zhuh) Make a soft 'zh' sound (like the 's' in "pleasure"), followed by a relaxed 'uh' sound like in "about".

Pentecost Pronunciation Guide - Learn How To Say It Right

Pentecost comes from Ancient Greek, meaning 'fiftieth day'. This Christian festival marks the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. Let's learn its correct pronunciation. Pentecost Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈpɛn.tɪ.kɒst/ Sounds Like (PEN-tih-kost) Breakdown First syllable (PEN) (stress) Say 'p' like in "pen", followed by 'e' like in "bed". End with 'n' like in "nice". Second syllable (tih) Begin with 't' like in "top", then add a short 'i' sound like in "bit". Third syllable (kost) Start with 'k' like in "key", then make the 'o' sound like in "hot". End with 'st' like in "best".

Paraclete Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right

Looking to master the pronunciation of "paraclete"? This spiritual term can be tricky to say correctly. Our simple guide breaks it down into easy steps with audio examples. Paraclete Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈpær.ə.kliːt/ Sounds Like (PAIR-uh-kleet) Breakdown First syllable (PAIR) (stress) This sounds just like the word "pair" (as in a pair of shoes). Make the 'æ' sound like the 'a' in "cat". Second syllable (uh) A quick, soft "uh" sound, like when you say "uh" in "about". Keep it short and relaxed. Third syllable (kleet) Start with a 'k' sound, followed by 'l', and end with "eet" that rhymes with "sweet". The 'ee' sound is like in "see".

How to Pronounce Padua - Italian City Name Guide (Audio)

Padua is a historic Italian city name that many English speakers find tricky to pronounce correctly. Let's learn the proper pronunciation with our simple guide. Padua Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈpæd.juː.ə/ Sounds Like (PAD-yoo-uh) Breakdown First syllable (PAD) (stress) Pronounce 'a' like the 'a' in "cat", followed by a clear 'd' sound. Second syllable (yoo) Make a quick 'y' sound followed by an 'oo' sound like in "food". Third syllable (uh) End with a relaxed 'uh' sound, like the 'a' in "about".

How to Say 'Og' - Simple Guide with Audio

Learn the correct way to pronounce 'og' - a short but tricky word. Get expert tips and hear native pronunciation with our audio guide. Og Pronunciation in English IPA /ɒɡ/ Sounds Like (og) Breakdown Single syllable (og) Start with the 'o' sound like in "hot", then end with a hard 'g' sound like in "dog". Say it quickly as one short sound.

Obed-edom Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Names

Discover the proper pronunciation of this biblical name Obed-edom, which appears in the Old Testament. This guide helps you pronounce each syllable correctly. Obed-edom Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈoʊ.bɛd.ˌiː.dəm/ Sounds Like (OH-bed-EE-duhm) Breakdown First syllable (OH) (stress) Make the 'oh' sound like in "go" or "show". Second syllable (bed) Say it just like the word "bed" that you sleep in. Third syllable (EE) (less stress) Make the 'ee' sound like in "see" or "tree". Fourth syllable (duhm) Say 'duhm' with a quick, soft sound like the 'dom' in "freedom".

How to Pronounce Myrrh - Ancient Perfume Spice (Audio)

Myrrh is a fragrant resin used since ancient times in perfumes and religious ceremonies. This guide helps you master its unique one-syllable pronunciation. Myrrh Pronunciation in English IPA /mɝː/ Sounds Like (mur) Breakdown Single syllable (mur) Start with the 'm' sound, then make the 'ur' sound like in "nurse". The 'r' sound at the end should be slightly prolonged. Think of how you say the word "fur" - Myrrh rhymes perfectly with it!

How to Pronounce Myriad - Audio Guide

Looking to master the word "myriad"? This comprehensive guide breaks down its pronunciation into simple steps, with clear audio examples and expert tips. Myriad Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈmɪr.i.əd/ Sounds Like (MEER-ee-uhd) Breakdown First syllable (MEER) (stress) Make the 'meer' sound like the word "mirror" without the second 'r'. Think of saying "me" but adding a quick 'r' at the end. Second syllable (ee) Say 'ee' like the end of the word "happy". It's a short, quick sound. Third syllable (uhd) End with 'uhd' like the end of the word "salad". Keep this part quick and light.

How to Pronounce Mordecai - Biblical Name Pronunciation Guide

Learn the authentic pronunciation of "Mordecai", a significant biblical name. This guide breaks down each syllable for perfect pronunciation. Mordecai Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈmɔːr.dɪ.kaɪ/ Sounds Like (MOR-dih-kye) Breakdown First syllable (MOR) (stress) Like the 'mor' in "morning", with a strong 'or' sound as in "more". Second syllable (dih) A quick 'i' sound like in "bit", preceded by a 'd' sound. Third syllable (kye) Rhymes with "sky" or "high", with a 'k' sound followed by the 'ye' sound.

Mitre Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right

Looking to master the pronunciation of "mitre"? This word refers to a bishop's tall headdress or a joint made at a 45-degree angle. Audio guide included. Mitre Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈmaɪ.tər/ Sounds Like (MY-tur) Breakdown First syllable (my) (stress) The 'my' sounds exactly like the word "my" that we use to show possession. It's like when you say "my book" or "my car". Second syllable (tur) This part sounds just like "ter" in "water" or the "tur" in "turn". It's a soft ending sound that we hear in many English words.

How to Pronounce Uzziah Correctly

The name Uzziah is pronounced as "yoo-ZY-uh" or "uh-ZY-uh" , with emphasis on the second syllable. It comes from Hebrew origins and is commonly found in the Bible, referring to a king of Judah. The pronunciation may vary slightly depending on accents or traditions, but the most widely accepted way is "yoo-ZY-uh." Some people may also say "uh-ZEE-uh," though this is less common. If you're reading biblical names aloud or just want to say it correctly, focusing on the "ZY" sound in the middle will help you pronounce it naturally.

Urbanus Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right

Urbanus comes from Latin, meaning 'of the city' or 'refined'. This elegant word has an interesting pronunciation that we'll break down step by step in this guide. Urbanus Pronunciation in English IPA /ɝːˈbeɪ.nəs/ Sounds Like (ur-BAY-nuhs) Breakdown First syllable (ur) Make the 'ur' sound like in "nurse" - it's a long, smooth sound. Second syllable (BAY) (stress) Say 'bay' just like the word "day" or "say" - it's the strongest part of the word. Third syllable (nuhs) End with a soft 'nuhs' sound, similar to the end of "bonus".

How to Pronounce Tours - Travel Guide with Audio

Discover the fascinating history of Tours, a charming city in France's Loire Valley. Learn how locals and tourists alike pronounce this historic destination. Tours Pronunciation in English IPA /tʊrz/ Sounds Like (toorz) Breakdown First syllable (toor) Begin with a 't' sound, followed by 'oo' sound like in "book". Second syllable (z) End with a 'z' sound like in "coz".

How to Pronounce Tithe - Audio Guide & Meaning

Looking to master the word "tithe"? This simple guide breaks down its pronunciation with clear examples and audio. Perfect for learning this financial term. Tithe Pronunciation in English IPA /taɪð/ Sounds Like (tieth) Breakdown Single syllable (tieth) Begin with a 't' sound, then make the 'ie' sound like in "tie", and end with a soft 'th' sound like in "this". Think of it as combining "tie" with a soft "th" at the end.

How to Pronounce Timbrel - Musical Instrument Word Guide

A timbrel is an ancient musical percussion instrument similar to a tambourine. Learn the correct way to say this musical term that appears in religious texts and historical documents. Timbrel Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈtɪm.brəl/ Sounds Like (TIM-bruhl) Breakdown First syllable (TIM) (stress) The 'i' sounds like the 'i' in "bit". Start with a 't' sound and end with 'm'. Second syllable (bruhl) Begin with a 'b' sound, followed by 'r', then end with an 'uhl' sound like in "pencil".

Timaeus Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right

Timaeus is an ancient Greek name that appears in Plato's famous dialogues. This guide will help you master its authentic pronunciation with clear examples and audio. Timaeus Pronunciation in English IPA /taɪˈmiː.əs/ Sounds Like (tie-MEE-uhs) Breakdown First syllable (tie) Like saying "tie" as in necktie - combine 't' with the 'ai' sound. Second syllable (MEE) (stress) Make the 'ee' sound like in "see" or "bee", with emphasis on this part. Third syllable (uhs) End with a quick 'uh' + 's' sound, like the end of "bonus".

Thyatira Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right

Thyatira is an ancient city name from biblical times. This guide will help you master its pronunciation with clear audio and step-by-step breakdown. Thyatira Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌθaɪ.əˈtaɪ.rə/ Sounds Like (thigh-uh-TYE-ruh) Breakdown First syllable (thigh) (less stress) Start with 'th' sound like in "think", followed by long 'i' sound like in "tie". Second syllable (uh) A quick 'uh' sound like in "about". Third syllable (TYE) (stress) Make the same sound as the word "tie". Fourth syllable (ruh) End with 'r' sound followed by a soft 'uh' like in "sofa".

Tertius Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right

Tertius is a Latin-derived name meaning 'third'. This unique name has historical significance and appears in ancient Roman texts. Let's explore its correct pronunciation. Tertius Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈtɝː.ʃi.əs/ Sounds Like (TUR-shee-uhs) Breakdown First syllable (TUR) (stress) Make the 'tur' sound like the first part of "turtle". Your tongue should curl back slightly. Second syllable (shee) Say 'shee' like the sound you make when asking someone to be quiet ("shh") followed by the 'ee' sound in "see". Third syllable (uhs) End with a quick 'uhs' sound, similar to the end of "bonus" but shorter and lighter.

Terebinth Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right

Terebinth is a biblical tree name that often confuses English speakers. This guide breaks down its pronunciation into simple steps with audio examples. Terebinth Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈtɛr.ə.bɪnθ/ Sounds Like (TEHR-uh-binth) Breakdown First syllable (TEHR) (stress) Start with a 't' sound, followed by 'er' like in "very". Second syllable (uh) A quick 'uh' sound, like the 'a' in "about". Third syllable (binth) Begin with 'b' sound, followed by 'in' like in "bit", and end with 'th' like in "think".

How to Pronounce Tarshish - Biblical City Name Guide (Audio)

Discover the fascinating pronunciation of "Tarshish," an ancient biblical city. This guide breaks down each syllable with clear examples and audio. Tarshish Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈtɑːr.ʃɪʃ/ Sounds Like (TAR-shish) Breakdown First syllable (TAR) (stress) Like the 'tar' in "target", make a strong 'ar' sound as in "car". Second syllable (shish) Start with 'sh' like in "ship", then add 'i' as in "fish", and end with another 'sh' sound.

Syrophoenician Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It

Discover the fascinating history and proper pronunciation of "Syrophoenician" - an ancient term referring to people from the Phoenician region of Syria. Audio guide included. Syrophoenician Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌsaɪ.roʊ.fɪˈniː.ʃən/ Sounds Like (sye-roh-fih-NEE-shuhn) Breakdown First syllable (sye) (less stress) The 'sye' sounds like the word "sigh", combining 's' and 'eye' sounds together. Second syllable (roh) Make the 'roh' sound like the word "row". It's similar to the 'ro' in "robot". Third syllable (fih) A quick 'fih' sound, like the beginning of "fish" but shorter. Fourth syllable (NEE) (stress) The 'nee' sounds exactly like "knee" - the part of your leg. Fifth syllable (shuhn) End with 'shuhn' like the ending of "station" or "motion".

Succoth Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Festival Name [Audio]

Explore the pronunciation of "Succoth," a significant Jewish harvest festival name. This guide helps you master the correct way to say this important biblical term. Succoth Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsʊk.ɒθ/ Sounds Like (SUUK-oth) Breakdown First syllable (SUUK) (stress) The "s" sounds like the "s" in "sun". The "uu" sounds like the "oo" in "book". End with a "k" sound. Second syllable (oth) Start with a short "o" sound like in "hot", then end with a "th" sound like in "think".

Simon Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right | Audio

Simon is a classic male name with Hebrew origins, meaning 'he has heard.' Perfect your pronunciation of this timeless name with our expert guide. Simon Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsaɪ.mən/ Sounds Like (SYE-muhn) Breakdown First syllable (SYE) (stress) Begin with an 's' sound like in "sun", followed by the 'ai' sound like in "tie" or "hi". Second syllable (muhn) Start with an 'm' sound, followed by a quick 'uh' sound like in "bus", ending with an 'n' sound. This syllable is spoken softly and quickly.

How to Say 'Shur' - Simple Guide with Audio Pronunciation

Want to perfect your pronunciation of "shur"? This guide breaks down each sound to help you say it like a native speaker. Includes clear audio example. Shur Pronunciation in English IPA /ʃɝː/ Sounds Like (shur) Breakdown Single syllable (shur) Begin with the "sh" sound like in "ship", then add the "ur" sound like in "nurse". Hold the sound slightly longer for proper pronunciation.

Shinar Pronunciation Guide - Ancient Biblical Land (Audio)

Explore the historical significance of Shinar, an ancient land mentioned in the Bible. This region, located in southern Mesopotamia, played a crucial role in early human civilization. Shinar Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈʃaɪ.nɑːr/ Sounds Like (SHIE-nahr) Breakdown First syllable (SHIE) (stress) Begin with the "sh" sound like in "ship", followed by the "ie" sound like in "tie". Second syllable (nahr) Start with an "n" sound, followed by "ahr" sound like the "ar" in "car".

Shear-jashub Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name Meaning

Explore the biblical significance and proper pronunciation of "Shear-jashub", a meaningful Hebrew name mentioned in the Book of Isaiah that symbolizes hope and return. Shear-jashub Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌʃɪər.ˈdʒæ.ʃʌb/ Sounds Like (sheer-JA-shub) Breakdown First syllable (sheer) (less stress) Pronounce "sh" like in "ship", followed by "eer" as in "deer". Second syllable (JA) (stress) Say "ja" like the "ja" in "jam", with emphasis on this syllable. Third syllable (shub) Begin with "sh" as in "ship", then add "ub" like in "hub" or "tub".

Sharon Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right | Audio

Sharon is a beautiful name with Hebrew origins, meaning 'a fertile plain'. Get the perfect pronunciation with our easy-to-follow guide. Sharon Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈʃer.ən/ Sounds Like (SHEHR-uhn) Breakdown First syllable (SHEHR) (stress) Begin with the "sh" sound like in "sure", followed by the "er" sound like in "very". Second syllable (uhn) A quick "uh" sound that fades at the end, like the "on" in "button".

Scimitar Pronunciation Guide - Learn This Curved Sword's Name

Discover the fascinating history and proper pronunciation of this curved Middle Eastern sword. Perfect your pronunciation with our expert audio guide. Scimitar Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsɪm.ɪ.tər/ Sounds Like (SIM-ih-ter) Breakdown First syllable (SIM) (stress) Pronounce 'S' like in "sun", followed by a short 'i' sound like in "sit", then 'm' as in "mom". Second syllable (ih) Make a quick 'i' sound like in "bit" or "hit". Third syllable (ter) Start with 't' like in "top", followed by 'er' sound like in "teacher" or "sister".

Saul Pronunciation - Learn How to Say This Biblical Name

Discover the authentic pronunciation of this ancient Hebrew name, commonly found in biblical texts and modern usage. Perfect your pronunciation with our expert guide. Saul Pronunciation in English IPA /sɔːl/ Sounds Like (sawl) Breakdown Single syllable (sawl) Begin with an "s" sound like in "sun", then make an "aw" sound like in "saw", and end with an "l" sound. The entire word is pronounced as one smooth sound, similar to how you say "call" but with an "s" at the start.

Sarah Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say This Name [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Sarah", a timeless Hebrew name meaning "princess". Learn how to say this classic feminine name with our audio guide. Sarah Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsɛr.ə/ Sounds Like (SAIR-uh) Breakdown First syllable (SAIR) (stress) Begin with an "s" sound like in "sun", then make the "air" sound like in "fair" or "chair". This syllable gets the main emphasis. Second syllable (uh) End with a relaxed "uh" sound, like the ending of "sofa" or "china". Keep this syllable light and unstressed.

Sanhedrin Pronunciation Guide - Ancient Jewish Court Term [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Sanhedrin," the ancient Jewish supreme court term. Learn to say this historical word correctly with our audio guide. Sanhedrin Pronunciation in English IPA /sænˈhiː.drɪn/ Sounds Like (san-HEE-drin) Breakdown First syllable (san) Begin with an 's' sound like in "sun", followed by the 'a' sound like in "cat", and end with 'n' sound. Second syllable (HEE) (stress) Make a long 'ee' sound, just like when you say "see" or "bee". This is the emphasized part of the word. Third syllable (drin) Start with a 'd' sound, followed by a quick 'r' sound, then an 'i' like in "it", and finish with an 'n' sound.

Samothrace Pronunciation Guide - Learn Greek Island Name [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Samothrace," the mystical Greek island's name. This comprehensive guide helps you say this historical location correctly. Samothrace Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈsæm.ə.θreɪs/ Sounds Like (SAM-uh-thrayss) Breakdown First syllable (SAM) (stress) Pronounce "SAM" just like the common name Sam. The "a" sounds like the "a" in "cat". Start with an "s" sound and end with "m". Second syllable (uh) A quick, relaxed "uh" sound, like when you say "uh" in "about". Keep it short and unstressed. Third syllable (thrayss) Begin with a "th" sound (like in "think"), followed by "ray" (like a ray of sunshine), and end with an "s" sound. The "ay" sounds like the "ay" in "day".

Samaritan Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Samaritan" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to properly say this word that refers to a compassionate person helping others. Samaritan Pronunciation in English IPA /səˈmer.ɪ.tən/ Sounds Like (suh-MAIR-ih-tuhn) Breakdown First syllable (suh) Begin with an "s" sound, followed by a quick "uh" sound like in "bus". Second syllable (MAIR) (stress) Make the "m" sound followed by the "air" sound like in "fair". This is the stressed syllable, so say it slightly louder. Third syllable (ih) A short "i" sound like in "bit" or "sit". Fourth syllable (tuhn) Start with a "t" sound and end with a neutral "uhn" sound, like the ending of "button".

Samaria Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical City Name [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Samaria", the ancient Biblical city. Learn how to correctly say this historically significant name with our detailed guide. Samaria Pronunciation in English IPA /səˈmer.i.ə/ Sounds Like (suh-MAIR-ee-uh) Breakdown First syllable (suh) Begin with an "s" sound, followed by a quick "uh" sound like in "bus". Second syllable (MAIR) (stress) Make the "m" sound followed by "air" sound like in "fair". This is the stressed syllable, so say it slightly louder. Third syllable (ee) A short "ee" sound like in "happy". Fourth syllable (uh) End with a soft "uh" sound like in "sofa".

Salami Pronunciation - Learn How to Say it Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Salami" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to properly say this popular Italian cured meat that's loved worldwide. Salami Pronunciation in English IPA /səˈlɑː.mi/ Sounds Like (suh-LAH-mee) Breakdown First syllable (suh) Begin with an 's' sound, followed by a quick 'uh' sound like in "bus". Second syllable (LAH) (stress) Make a clear 'lah' sound, like the 'la' in "lava". This is the stressed syllable, so say it slightly louder. Third syllable (mee) End with a 'mee' sound, like the 'y' in "happy". Keep this syllable light and short.

Pi Hahiroth Pronunciation - Ancient Biblical Location [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Pi Hahiroth", an ancient Biblical location mentioned in Exodus. Learn how to say this historical place name correctly. Pi Hahiroth Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌpaɪ.həˈhaɪ.rɒθ/ Sounds Like (pie-huh-HIE-roth) Breakdown First syllable (pie) (less stress) Pronounce it like the word "pie" - start with a "p" sound followed by the "ai" sound like in "hi". Second syllable (huh) A gentle "h" sound followed by a short "uh" sound, like when you say "huh?" Third syllable (HIE) (stress) Say it like the greeting "hi" - this is the strongest part of the word. Fourth syllable (roth) Begin with an "r" sound, then make the "o" sound like in "hot", and end with a "th" sound like in "both".

Procurator Pronunciation Guide - Legal Term with Audio

Master the pronunciation of "Procurator" - a legal representative term. Learn how to say this important legal word with our detailed pronunciation guide. Procurator Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈprɒk.jʊ.reɪ.tər/ Sounds Like (PROK-yuh-ray-tur) Breakdown First syllable (PROK) (stress) Begin with a "p" sound, followed by "r", then make an "o" sound like in "hot", and end with a "k" sound. Second syllable (yuh) Make a quick "y" sound followed by an unstressed "uh" sound, like the "u" in "cup". Third syllable (ray) Start with "r" and make the "ay" sound like in "day". Fourth syllable (tur) Begin with "t" and end with "er" sound like in "teacher".

Portugal Pronunciation - Learn How to Say It Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Portugal" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how this European country's name is properly pronounced in English. Portugal Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈpɔːr.tʃə.ɡəl/ Sounds Like (POR-chuh-guhl) Breakdown First syllable (POR) (stress) Start with a "p" sound, followed by "or" like in "port". This syllable has the main emphasis. Second syllable (chuh) Make a "ch" sound like in "church", followed by a quick "uh" sound like in "up". Third syllable (guhl) Begin with a soft "g" sound, followed by a quick "uhl" sound, similar to the end of "eagle".

Portico Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Like a Pro [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Portico" - an architectural term for a covered entrance or porch. Learn to say this elegant word with confidence. Portico Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈpɔːr.tɪ.koʊ/ Sounds Like (POR-ti-koh) Breakdown First syllable (POR) (stress) Start with a "p" sound, followed by "or" like in the word "port". This syllable has the main emphasis. Second syllable (ti) Make a quick "t" sound followed by a short "i" sound, like in the word "bit" or "sit". Third syllable (koh) Begin with a "k" sound and end with an "oh" sound, just like the end of the word "go".

Pontius Pilate Pronunciation - Learn Historical Name [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Pontius Pilate," the famous Roman governor. Learn how to say this historical name with our detailed audio guide. Pontius Pilate Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈpɒn.tʃəs ˈpaɪ.lət/ Sounds Like (PON-chuhs PIE-luht) Breakdown First word "Pontius": First syllable (PON) (stress) Start with a "p" sound, followed by the "o" sound like in "hot", and end with an "n" sound. Second syllable (chuhs) Make a "ch" sound like in "church", followed by a quick "uhs" sound like in "bus". Second word "Pilate": First syllable (PIE) (stress) Begin with a "p" sound, followed by the "ie" sound like in "tie". Second syllable (luht) Start with an "l" sound, followed by a quick "uh" sound like in "up", and end with a light "t" sound.

Baal Zephon Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the pronunciation of "Baal Zephon", an ancient biblical place name. Learn how to say this historical term correctly with our detailed guide. Baal Zephon Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈbeɪ.əl ˈzɛf.ɒn/ Sounds Like (BAY-uhl ZEF-on) Breakdown First part: Baal First syllable (BAY) (stress) The "bay" sound is like the word "bay" in "bay leaf". Think of when you say "hey" but with a "b" at the start. Second syllable (uhl) A quick "uhl" sound, similar to how you say the end of "pencil" or "normal". Second part: Zephon First syllable (ZEF) (stress) Start with a "z" like in "zebra", then add "ef" like in "effort". Second syllable (on) Say "on" like in "gone" or "dawn". It's a short, clear sound.

Baal Shalishah Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Place Name Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Baal Shalishah," a biblical location name. Learn how to say this ancient place name with our detailed pronunciation guide. Baal Shalishah Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌbeɪ.əl.ʃəˈliː.ʃə/ Sounds Like (bay-uhl-shuh-LEE-shuh) Breakdown First syllable (bay) (less stress) Make the "bay" sound like the word "bay" - just like when you say "bay leaf" or "bay window". Second syllable (uhl) A quick "uhl" sound, similar to the end of "pencil" or "normal". Third syllable (shuh) Say "shuh" like the beginning of the word "sugar" or "sure". Fourth syllable (LEE) (stress) Make a clear "lee" sound, just like in "leaf" or "leek". Fifth syllable (shuh) End with another "shuh" sound, exactly like the third syllable.

Aram Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Aram" with our comprehensive guide. This biblical name has historical significance and a distinct sound pattern. Aram Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈer.əm/ Sounds Like (AIR-uhm) Breakdown First syllable (AIR) (stress) Make the "air" sound like when you say the word "hair" or "fair". Open your mouth and let the sound flow smoothly. Second syllable (uhm) This is a quick, soft sound. Say "um" like when you're thinking about something. Keep it short and gentle.

Arabah Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Valley Name [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Arabah," the ancient biblical valley. This comprehensive guide helps you pronounce this historical geographical term correctly. Arabah Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈær.ə.bə/ Sounds Like (AR-uh-buh) Breakdown First syllable (AR) (stress) Make the "a" sound like in "cat". Open your mouth wide and say "ar" with emphasis. Second syllable (uh) A quick, soft "uh" sound like in "about". Keep it light and relaxed. Third syllable (buh) End with a gentle "buh" sound, similar to how you end the word "tuba".

Merici Pronunciation Guide - How to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Merici" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to say this historical name accurately with audio examples. Merici Pronunciation in English IPA /məˈriː.tʃi/ Sounds Like (muh-REE-chee) Breakdown First syllable (muh) Make a quick "muh" sound, like when you say the "mu" in "music". Keep it short and relaxed. Second syllable (REE) (stress) Say "ree" like the word "read" without the "d". This is the strongest part of the word. Third syllable (chee) End with "chee" like in "cheese" without the "se". It's the same sound you hear at the end of "peachy".

Angela Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Angela" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to say this beautiful feminine name that means 'messenger of God'. Angela Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈeɪn.dʒə.lə/ Sounds Like (AYN-juh-luh) Breakdown First syllable (AYN) (stress) The 'ay' sounds like the word "day". Start with a long 'a' sound followed by a light 'n' sound. Second syllable (juh) Make a soft 'j' sound like in "jump", followed by a quick 'uh' sound like in "up". Third syllable (luh) End with a gentle 'l' sound followed by an unstressed 'uh' sound, similar to the ending of "formula".

Amos Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Amos", the Biblical prophet's name. This comprehensive guide helps you pronounce this important historical name accurately. Amos Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈeɪ.məs/ Sounds Like (AY-muhs) Breakdown First syllable (AY) (stress) The "ay" sounds exactly like the letter "A" in the alphabet, or like the "ay" in "day". Open your mouth wide and make this long "ay" sound. Second syllable (muhs) This is a quick, soft sound. Make a gentle "uh" sound like in "up", then end with a light "s" sound, like a whisper. It's similar to how you say "us" but shorter and softer.

Amen Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say This Sacred Word

Master the correct pronunciation of "Amen" - a sacred word used in prayer and worship. Learn how to say this important religious term with our audio guide. Amen Pronunciation in English IPA /eɪˈmɛn/ Sounds Like (ay-MEN) Breakdown First syllable (ay) Make the "ay" sound like in "day". Open your mouth slightly and let your tongue rest naturally while making this sound. Second syllable (MEN) (stress) Start with an "m" sound by bringing your lips together. Then make the "e" sound like in "bed", and finish with an "n" sound by touching your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

Amalekites Pronunciation Guide - Ancient Biblical Term [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Amalekites," an ancient biblical people group. Learn how to say this historical term correctly with our detailed guide. Amalekites Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈmæl.ə.kaɪts/ Sounds Like (uh-MAL-uh-kites) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about" or "around". Second syllable (MAL) (stress) Say "mal" like the first part of "malady". The "a" sounds like the "a" in "cat". Third syllable (uh) Another quick "uh" sound, just like in the first syllable. Fourth syllable (kites) Sounds exactly like the word "kites" that you might fly in the sky.

Alpha Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Alpha" with our easy guide. Learn how to say this essential Greek letter used in mathematics and science. Alpha Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈæl.fə/ Sounds Like (AL-fuh) Breakdown First syllable (AL) (stress) The "A" sounds like the "a" in "cat". Follow it with an "l" sound, just like when you say "love". Second syllable (fuh) Start with an "f" sound like in "fun", then add a short "uh" sound like the "a" in "about". This syllable is softer and quicker than the first one.

Ai Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say 'Ai' Like a Pro [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Ai" - a common Japanese word meaning 'love'. Learn how to say this essential term with confidence. Ai Pronunciation in English IPA /aɪ/ Sounds Like (eye) Breakdown Single syllable (eye) This word is pronounced exactly like the word "eye" in English. Start with the "ah" sound and glide smoothly into an "ee" sound, making them flow together as one sound. It's just like when you say "hi" without the "h" at the beginning.

Ahikar Pronunciation Guide - Ancient Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Ahikar", an ancient Assyrian sage and advisor. Learn how to say this historical name with confidence. Ahikar Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈhaɪ.kɑːr/ Sounds Like (uh-HI-kar) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about". Keep it short and relaxed. Second syllable (HI) (stress) Make the "hi" sound just like when you say "hi" to greet someone. It's the main stressed part of the word. Third syllable (kar) End with "kar", which rhymes with "car". The "r" sound should be clearly pronounced.

Ahiqar Pronunciation Guide - Ancient Name with Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Ahiqar", an ancient Assyrian sage and advisor. Learn to say this historical name with confidence. Ahiqar Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈhiː.kɑːr/ Sounds Like (uh-HEE-kar) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about". Think of the sound you make when you're thinking - "uh". Second syllable (HEE) (stress) Make a long "ee" sound, just like when you say "see" or when you're excited and say "wheee!". Hold this sound a bit longer. Third syllable (kar) Start with a "k" sound, followed by "ar" like in "car". Imagine you're starting your car - "kar".

Ahiah Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name (With Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Ahiah," a biblical name meaning 'brother of God.' Our detailed guide helps you pronounce this meaningful Hebrew name accurately. Ahiah Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈhaɪ.ə/ Sounds Like (uh-HI-uh) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about". Keep it short and relaxed. Second syllable (HI) (stress) Make the "hi" sound just like when you say "hi" to greet someone. This is the strongest part of the word. Third syllable (uh) End with another soft "uh" sound, similar to the ending of "sofa". Keep it light and gentle.

Ahijah Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio [Learn]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Ahijah," a significant biblical name. Learn how to say this Hebrew name with our detailed pronunciation guide. Ahijah Pronunciation in English IPA /əˈhaɪ.dʒə/ Sounds Like (uh-HI-juh) Breakdown First syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like the "a" in "about". Keep it short and relaxed. Second syllable (HI) (stress) Make the "hi" sound just like when you say "hi" to greet someone. This is the strongest part of the word. Third syllable (juh) End with a soft "juh" sound, similar to the end of "measure". Let your voice fade gently.

Abel Meholah Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Place Name Audio

Master the correct pronunciation of "Abel Meholah," an ancient biblical location. Learn how to say this historical place name with our audio guide. Abel Meholah Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈeɪ.bəl mɪˈhoʊ.lə/ Sounds Like (AY-buhl mih-HOH-luh) Breakdown First syllable (AY) (stress) Make the "ay" sound like in "day" or "say". Second syllable (buhl) Say "buhl" quickly, like the end of "table" or "label". Third syllable (mih) A short "i" sound like in "bit" or "sit", followed by "h". Fourth syllable (HOH) (stress) The "oh" sound like in "go" or "show". Fifth syllable (luh) End with a gentle "luh" sound, like in "umbrella".

Talitha Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Talitha" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to say this beautiful name that has celestial origins. Talitha Pronunciation in English IPA /təˈliː.θə/ Sounds Like (tuh-LEE-thuh) Breakdown First syllable (tuh) Start with a "t" sound, followed by a quick "uh" sound like in "bus". Second syllable (LEE) (stress) Make a clear "l" sound followed by a long "ee" sound like in "see". Third syllable (thuh) End with a soft "th" sound (like in "thin") followed by a gentle "uh" sound.

Zarephath Pronunciation Guide - Biblical City Name [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Zarephath," the ancient Biblical city name. Learn to say this historical word correctly with our audio guide. Zarephath Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈzær.ə.fæθ/ Sounds Like (ZAIR-uh-fath) Breakdown First syllable (ZAIR) (stress) Begin with a "z" sound like in "zoom", followed by the "air" sound like in "fair". This is the strongest part of the word. Second syllable (uh) A quick, soft "uh" sound, just like when you say "uh" in "about". Keep it light and quick. Third syllable (fath) Start with "f" like in "fun", then make the "a" sound like in "cat", and end with a "th" sound like in "think".

Zechariah Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the pronunciation of "Zechariah", a significant biblical name. Learn how to say this Hebrew-origin name correctly with our detailed guide. Zechariah Pronunciation in English IPA /ˌzɛk.əˈraɪ.ə/ Sounds Like (zek-uh-RYE-uh) Breakdown First syllable (zek) (less stress) Begin with a "z" sound like in "zoom", followed by "e" as in "bed", and end with a "k" sound. Second syllable (uh) A quick "uh" sound, like when you say "about". Third syllable (RYE) (stress) Makes the same sound as the word "rye" bread - it rhymes with "eye" or "sky". Fourth syllable (uh) End with a soft "uh" sound, similar to the ending of "sofa".

Zebedee Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name (Audio)

Master the pronunciation of "Zebedee", a significant biblical name. This comprehensive guide helps you say this historical name correctly. Zebedee Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈzɛb.ɪ.di/ Sounds Like (ZEB-ih-dee) Breakdown First syllable (ZEB) (stress) The "Z" sounds like the "z" in "zoom", followed by "eb" like in "web". Say it with emphasis. Second syllable (ih) Make a short "i" sound, like when you say "it" or "in". Keep it quick and light. Third syllable (dee) End with "dee", like the "y" in "baby". It's a cheerful, bouncy sound at the end.

Zin Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say This Word [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Zin" with our easy-to-follow guide. Learn how this simple yet commonly mispronounced word should sound. Zin Pronunciation in English IPA /zɪn/ Sounds Like (zin) Breakdown Single syllable (zin) Begin with a buzzing "z" sound like in "zoom", then add the short "i" sound like in "bit". Finally, end with an "n" sound. The whole word should flow smoothly, like saying "pin" but with a "z" at the start.

Zimri Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Zimri," a significant biblical name. This comprehensive guide helps you pronounce this historical name accurately. Zimri Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈzɪm.raɪ/ Sounds Like (ZIM-rye) Breakdown First syllable (ZIM) (stress) Begin with a "z" sound like in "zoom", followed by a short "i" sound like in "bit", and end with "m" sound. Second syllable (rye) Start with an "r" sound and combine it with "eye" sound like in "tie" or "hi".

Zeruiah Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name with Audio

Master the pronunciation of "Zeruiah", a significant biblical name. Learn how to correctly pronounce this Old Testament figure's name with our detailed guide. Zeruiah Pronunciation in English IPA /zəˈruː.i.ə/ Sounds Like (zuh-ROO-ee-uh) Breakdown First syllable (zuh) Begin with a "z" sound like in "zoom", followed by an unstressed "uh" sound like in "about". Second syllable (ROO) (stress) Make a long "oo" sound, just like the sound in "food" or "moon". Third syllable (ee) A short "ee" sound like the "y" in "baby". Fourth syllable (uh) End with a soft "uh" sound, similar to the "a" in "sofa".

Zippor Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Zippor" with our comprehensive guide. Learn how to say this unique name that appears in ancient texts. Zippor Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈzɪp.ɔːr/ Sounds Like (ZIP-or) Breakdown First syllable (ZIP) (stress) Begin with a "z" sound like in "zoom", followed by the short "i" sound like in "bit". End with a clear "p" sound. Second syllable (or) Make the "or" sound like in "door" or the way you say "or" in "more". Let your voice trail off with the "r" sound.

Wenceslaus Pronunciation Guide - Learn Royal Name [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Wenceslaus," the name of several Bohemian kings. This detailed guide helps you say this royal name correctly. Wenceslaus Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈwɛn.sə.slɔːs/ Sounds Like (WEN-suh-slaws) Breakdown First syllable (WEN) (stress) Start with a "w" sound like in "win", followed by "en" like in "when". Think of saying "when" but stopping before the "h". Second syllable (suh) Make a soft "s" sound followed by a quick "uh" like when you say "uh-huh". It's very light and quick. Third syllable (slaws) Begin with "sl" like in "slow", then make an "aws" sound like in "laws". It's similar to how you say "claws" but with "sl" instead of "cl".

Wadi Cherith Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Valley Name Audio

Master the pronunciation of "Wadi Cherith," the biblical valley name. Learn how to say this significant geographical location correctly with our audio guide. Wadi Cherith Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈwɑː.di ˈkɛr.ɪθ/ Sounds Like (WAH-dee KEHR-ith) Breakdown First word - Wadi First syllable (WAH) (stress) The "w" sounds like the beginning of "water", followed by an "ah" sound like in "father". Open your mouth wide for this sound. Second syllable (dee) Say "dee" like the letter "D". It's the same sound you hear at the end of "candy". Second word - Cherith First syllable (KEHR) (stress) Start with a "k" sound, then make the "eh" sound like in "bed", followed by an "r" sound. Second syllable (ith) Make an "i" sound like in "bit", then end with a "th" sound like in "think".

Yahweh Shalom Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name [Audio]

Master the authentic pronunciation of "Yahweh Shalom," a significant biblical name meaning "The Lord is Peace." Learn to say this sacred Hebrew name correctly. Yahweh Shalom Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈjɑː.weɪ ʃəˈloʊm/ Sounds Like (YAH-way shuh-LOHM) Breakdown First syllable (YAH) (stress) Begin with a "y" sound, followed by an "ah" sound like in "father". Second syllable (way) Make a "way" sound, just like saying the word "way" in English. Third syllable (shuh) Start with a gentle "sh" sound, then add a soft "uh" like in "above". Fourth syllable (LOHM) (stress) Begin with an "l" sound, then make an "oh" sound like in "go", end with an "m" sound.

Yahweh Yireh Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name (Audio)

Master the authentic pronunciation of "Yahweh Yireh," a significant biblical name. Our detailed guide helps you pronounce this sacred name correctly with audio. Yahweh Yireh Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈjɑː.weɪ.jɪˈreɪ/ Sounds Like (YAH-way-yih-RAY) Breakdown First syllable (YAH) (stress) Begin with a "y" sound, followed by an "ah" sound like in "father". Second syllable (way) Make a "w" sound followed by "ay" like in "day". Third syllable (yih) Start with a "y" sound again, followed by a short "i" like in "bit". Fourth syllable (RAY) (stress) Begin with an "r" sound, followed by "ay" like the word "ray".

Eli Lama Sabachthani: Biblical Aramaic Phrase Pronunciation

Master the pronunciation of "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani," the famous Aramaic phrase from the Bible. Learn to say these powerful words correctly. Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani Pronunciation IPA /ˈeɪ.laɪ ˈeɪ.laɪ ˈlɑː.mɑː sɑː.bɑːk.ˈθɑː.ni/ Sounds Like (AY-lie AY-lie LAH-mah sah-bahk-THAH-nee) Breakdown First part (AY-lie) (stress) The "ay" sounds like the word "day", followed by "lie" as in "butterfly". Second part (AY-lie) (stress) Repeated exactly the same as the first part. Third part (LAH-mah) (stress) "LAH" like in "la", then "mah" as in "mama". Fourth part (sah-bahk-THAH-nee) "sah" like in "saw", "bahk" rhymes with "rock", "THAH" with emphasis, and "nee" like in "knee".

Fidelis Pronunciation Guide - Learn to Say it Right (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Fidelis" with our comprehensive guide. This Latin-derived word means "faithful" and is commonly used in various contexts. Fidelis Pronunciation in English IPA /fɪˈdeɪ.lɪs/ Sounds Like (fih-DAY-lis) Breakdown First syllable (fih) Make the "f" sound with your teeth touching your bottom lip, then say "ih" like the "i" in "bit". Second syllable (DAY) (stress) Say "day" just like the word for a 24-hour period, with a clear "ay" sound. Third syllable (lis) Start with an "l" sound, then add "is" like the end of the word "kiss".

Kiriath Arba Pronunciation Guide - Learn Biblical Name [Audio]

Master the pronunciation of "Kiriath Arba", an ancient biblical city name. Our detailed guide helps you say this historical term correctly with audio examples. Kiriath Arba Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈkɪr.i.æθ ˈɑːr.bə/ Sounds Like (KEER-ee-ath AR-buh) Breakdown First syllable (KEER) (stress) Start with a "k" sound, followed by "eer" like in "deer". Second syllable (ee) Make the "ee" sound like in "see". Third syllable (ath) Say "a" like in "cat", then end with "th" sound. Fourth syllable (AR) (stress) Begin with "ar" like in "car". Fifth syllable (buh) End with "buh" like in "hub".