
Showing posts with the label how to pronounce


Stracciatella Pronunciation in British English: IPA: [ˌstrætʃ-ə-ˈtɛl-ə] Sounds Like: (strach-uh- tel -uh). ▶ 1 syllable (strach) [less stress]: s like in s ail , t like in t owel , r like in r ub , a/æ like in b a t , ch/tʃ like in ch ief . 2 syllable (uh): uh/ə like in a bout . 3 syllable (tel) [stress]: t like in t owel , e/ɛ like in b e d , l like in l oose . 4 syllable (uh): uh/ə like in a bout . Stracciatella Pronun...


Graciela Pronunciation in British English: IPA: [ˌgrɑː-si-ˈɛ-lə] Sounds Like: (grah-see- eh -luh). ▶ 1 syllable (grah) [less stress]: g like in g ift , r like in r ub , ah/ɑː like in st a rt . 2 syllable (see): s like in s ail , ee/i like in bab y . 3 syllable (eh) [stress]: eh/ɛ like in b e d . 4 syllable (luh): l like in l oose , uh/ə like in a bout . Graciela Pronunciation in American English: IPA: [ˌgrɑː-si-ˈɛ-lə] Sounds Like: (grah-see- eh -luh). ▶ 1 syllable ...


Rabshakeh Pronunciation in British English: IPA: [ˈræb-ʃə-kə] Sounds Like: ( rab -shuh-kuh). ▶ 1 syllable (rab) [stress]: r like in r ub , a/æ like in b a t , b like in b oost . 2 syllable (shuh): sh/ʃ like in sh eep , uh/ə like in a bout . 3 syllable (kuh): k like in c ash , uh/ə like in a bout . Rabshakeh Pronunciation in American English: IPA: [ˈræb-ʃə-kə] Sounds Like: ( rab -shuh-kuh). ▶ 1 syllable (rab) [stress]: r like in r ub , a/æ like in b a t , b like i...


Cenchrea Pronunciation in British English: IPA: [ˈsɛn-kri-ə] Sounds Like: ( sen -kree-uh). ▶ 1 syllable (sen) [stress]: s like in s ail , e/ɛ like in b e d , n like in n ice . 2 syllable (kree): k like in c ash , r like in r ub , ee/i like in bab y . 3 syllable (uh): uh/ə like in a bout . Cenchrea Pronunciation in American English: IPA: [ˈsɛn-kri-ə] Sounds Like: ( sen -kree-uh). ▶ 1 syllable (sen) [stress]: s like in s ail , e/ɛ like in b e d , n like in ...


Phthalo Pronunciation in British English: IPA: [ˈfθæl-əʊ] Sounds Like: ( fthal -oh). ▶ 1 syllable (fthal) [stress]: f like in f it , th/θ like in th in , a/æ like in b a t , l like in l oose . 2 syllable (oh): oh/əʊ like in b o at . Phthalo Pronunciation in American English: IPA: [ˈθæl-oʊ] Sounds Like: ( thal -oh). ▶ 1 syllable (thal) [stress]: th/θ like in th in , a/æ like in b a t , l like in l oose . 2 syllable (oh): oh/oʊ like in b o at . ...


Virtus Pronunciation in British English: IPA: [ˌvɜː-ˈtuːs] Sounds Like: (vuh- toos ). ▶ 1 syllable (vuh) [less stress]: v like in v ent , uh/ɜː like in n ur se (r not pronounced). 2 syllable (toos) [stress]: t like in t owel , oo/uː like in gl ue , s like in s ail . Virtus Pronunciation in American English: IPA: [ˌvɝː-ˈtuːs] Sounds Like: (vur- toos ). ▶ 1 syllable (vur) [less stress]: v like in v ent , ur/ɝː like in n ur se . 2 syllable (toos) [stress]: t like in t owel , oo/uː like in ...

Pinot Grigio

Pinot Grigio Pronunciation in British English: IPA: [ˈpiː-noʊ ˈɡriː-dʒoʊ] Sounds Like: ( pee -noh gree -joh). ▶ 1 syllable (pee) [stress]: p like in p et , ee/iː like in s ee . 2 syllable (noh): n like in n ice , oh/oʊ like in b o at . 3 syllable (gree) [stress]: g like in g ift , r like in r ub , ee/iː like in s ee . 4 syllable (joh): j/dʒ like in j ust , oh/oʊ like in b o at . Pinot Grigio Pronunciation in American English: IPA: [ˈpiː-noʊ ˈɡriː-dʒoʊ] So...


Siksikaitsitapi Pronunciation in British English: IPA: [sɪk-sɪ-keɪt-sɪ-tæp-i] Sounds Like: (sik-si- kayt -si-tap-ee). ▶ 1 syllable (sik): s like in s ail , i/ɪ like in sh i ft , k like in c ash . 2 syllable (si): s like in s ail , i/ɪ like in sh i ft . 3 syllable (kayt) [stress]: k like in c ash , ay/eɪ like in p ay , t like in t owel . 4 syllable (si): s like in s ail , i/ɪ like in sh i ft . 5 syllable (tap): ...