
Pisidia Pronunciation Guide - Ancient Region Name (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Pisidia", an ancient region in Asia Minor. Learn how to say this historical geographical name with confidence. Pisidia Pronunciation in English IPA /pɪˈsɪd.i.ə/ Sounds Like (pih-SID-ee-uh) Breakdown First syllable (pih) Begin with a "p" sound, followed by the short "i" sound like in "bit" or "pit". Second syllable (SID) (stress) Make an "s" sound, followed by a short "i" like in "sit", and end with a "d" sound. Third syllable (ee) Make a short "ee" sound like the "y" in "baby". Fourth syllable (uh) End with a relaxed "uh" sound like the "a" in "about".

Pisgah Pronunciation - Learn How to Say This Biblical Peak

Master the correct pronunciation of "Pisgah", the ancient biblical mountain peak. Our guide helps you pronounce this historical name with confidence. Pisgah Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈpɪz.ɡə/ Sounds Like (PIZ-guh) Breakdown First syllable (PIZ) (stress) Begin with a "p" sound, followed by the "i" sound like in "bit". End with a "z" sound like in "zoom". Second syllable (guh) Start with a "g" sound and end with an unstressed "uh" sound, similar to the "a" in "about".

Phylacteries Pronunciation - Learn Jewish Prayer Box Term

Master the pronunciation of "Phylacteries," a significant Jewish religious item. This comprehensive guide helps you say this important term correctly. Phylacteries Pronunciation in English IPA /fɪˈlæk.tə.ˌriːz/ Sounds Like (fih-LAK-tuh-reez) Breakdown First syllable (fih) Make a quick "f" sound followed by a short "i" like in "bit" or "sit". Second syllable (LAK) (stress) Say "l" followed by the "a" sound like in "cat", then end with a crisp "k" sound. Third syllable (tuh) A quick "t" sound followed by an unstressed "uh" like in "about". Fourth syllable (reez) (less stress) Begin with "r", then make a long "ee" sound like in "see", finish with a buzzing "z" sound.

Phrygia Pronunciation Guide - Ancient Kingdom Name (Audio)

Master the correct pronunciation of "Phrygia" - the name of an ancient kingdom in modern-day Turkey. Learn how to say this historical term with confidence. Phrygia Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈfrɪdʒ.ɪ.ə/ Sounds Like (FRIJ-ee-uh) Breakdown First syllable (FRIJ) (stress) Begin with the 'f' sound, followed by 'r', then make the 'i' sound like in "bit", and end with a soft 'j' sound like in "measure". Second syllable (ee) Make the 'ee' sound like in "happy". Third syllable (uh) End with a relaxed 'uh' sound like the 'a' in "about".

Phogor Pronunciation - Learn How to Say It Right [Audio]

Master the correct pronunciation of "Phogor" with our comprehensive guide. This unique word requires careful attention to each syllable for proper pronunciation. Phogor Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈfoʊ.ɡɔːr/ Sounds Like (FOH-gor) Breakdown First syllable (FOH) (stress) Start with the 'f' sound, followed by the 'oh' sound like in "go". This syllable carries the main stress. Second syllable (gor) Begin with a hard 'g' sound like in "go", followed by 'or' sound like in "more". The 'r' at the end should be clearly pronounced.

Phoenicia Pronunciation Guide - Learn How to Say It Right

Phoenicia refers to an ancient civilization known for their maritime trade. This word often confuses English speakers, but we'll help you master its pronunciation with simple steps. Phoenicia Pronunciation in English IPA /fəˈniː.ʃə/ Sounds Like (fuh-NEE-shuh) Breakdown First syllable (fuh) Make a quick 'f' sound followed by an unstressed 'uh' sound, like when you say "fun". Second syllable (NEE) (stress) Say a long 'ee' sound, just like the word "see" or "bee". This is the stressed syllable, so say it slightly louder. Third syllable (shuh) End with a 'sh' sound followed by a soft 'uh', similar to how you end the word "Russia".

Phinehas Pronunciation Guide - Biblical Name Made Easy

Discover the fascinating biblical name Phinehas and learn its proper pronunciation. This ancient Hebrew name carries deep historical significance. Phinehas Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈfɪn.i.əs/ Sounds Like (FIN-ee-uhs) Breakdown First syllable (FIN) (stress) Pronounce 'i' like the 'i' in "bit". Start with an 'f' sound and end with 'n'. Second syllable (ee) Make the 'ee' sound like in "see", but shorter - similar to the 'y' in "happy". Third syllable (uhs) A quick 'uh' sound followed by a soft 's', like the end of "bonus".