

Awareness IPA [əˈwɛr-nəs] Sounds Like (uh- wehr -nuhs) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (uh) Begin with a schwa sound (ə), which is a neutral, unstressed vowel sound like the 'a' in 'about'. Second syllable (wehr) (stress) Start with a W sound, followed by the 'eh' sound as in 'bed', and end with an R sound. Third syllable (nuhs) Begin with an N sound, followed by a schwa sound, and end with an S sound.


Auditor IPA [ˈɔː-dɪ-tər] Sounds Like ( aw -di-tur) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (aw) (stress) Start with the 'aw' sound as in 'short'. This is the stressed syllable of the word. Second syllable (di) Begin with a D sound followed by a short 'i' sound as in 'sit'. Third syllable (tur) Start with a T sound, followed by an 'ur' sound as in 'nurse'.


Auctioneer IPA [ˌɔːk-ʃəˈnɪr] Sounds Like (awk-shuh- nir ) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (awk) less stress Begin with the 'aw' sound as in 'short', followed by a K sound. Second syllable (shuh) Start with a SH sound followed by a schwa sound (ə), which is a neutral vowel like the 'a' in 'about'. Third syllable (nir) stress Begin with an N sound, followed by a long 'i' sound as in 'see', and end with an R sound. ...


Arbitrageur IPA [ˈɑːr-bɪ-trɑː-ʒər] Sounds Like ( ahr -bi-trah-zhur) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (ahr) (stress) Start with the 'ah' sound as in 'start', then add an R sound. This is the stressed syllable. Second syllable (bi) Begin with a B sound followed by a short 'i' sound as in 'sit'. Third syllable (trah) Start with a T sound, followed by an R sound, then end with the 'ah' sound as in 'father'. Fourth syll...


Annuitant IPA [əˈnjuːɪtᵊnt] Sounds Like (uh- nyoo -i-t'nt) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (uh) This syllable consists of a schwa sound (ə), which is a neutral, unstressed vowel sound like the 'a' in 'about'. Second syllable (nyoo) (stress) Begin with an N sound followed immediately by a Y sound, then transition to a long 'oo' sound as in 'moon'. Third syllable (i) A short, quick 'i' sound as in 'sit'. Fourth ...


Amalgamation IPA [əˌmæl-ɡə-ˈmeɪ-ʃᵊn] Sounds Like (uh-mal-guh- may -sh'n) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (uh) This syllable consists of a schwa sound (ə), which is a neutral, unstressed vowel sound like the 'a' in 'about'. Second syllable (mal) (less stress) Begin with an M sound, followed by the short 'a' sound as in 'cat', and end with a clear L sound. Third syllable (guh) Start with a hard G sound as in 'gift', followed by ...


Adverse IPA [ædˈvɜːrs] Sounds Like (ad- vurs ) ▶ Speed 0.5× (Slow) 0.75× (Slower) 1× (Normal) 1.25× (Faster) 1.5× (Fast) Your browser does not support the audio element. Breakdown First syllable (ad) Start with a short 'a' sound as in 'cat', followed by a clear 'd' sound. Second syllable (vurs) (stress) Begin with a 'v' sound, then move to an 'ur' sound as in 'nurse', and end with an 's' sound.