
How to pronounce Aspirate

Master the pronunciation of "Aspirate" with our clear guide. Learn how to correctly say this word commonly used in medical and linguistic contexts. Aspirate Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈæs.pə.reɪt/ Sounds Like (as-puh-rayt) Breakdown First syllable (as) (stress) Make the 'a' sound like when a cat says "meow", then add the 's' sound like a snake. Second syllable (puh) Start with a gentle puff of air for 'p', then make a quick 'uh' sound like when you're thinking. Third syllable (rayt) Roll your tongue for 'r', then say 'ay' like you're agreeing "yay!", and end with a crisp 't' sound.

How to pronounce Aureole

Master the pronunciation of "Aureole" with our simple guide. Learn how to say this beautiful word correctly and confidently. Aureole Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈɔː.ri.oʊl/ Sounds Like (aw-ree-ohl) Breakdown First syllable (aw) (stress) Make the "aw" sound like when you see something amazing - the same sound as in "saw" or "law". Second syllable (ree) Start with the "r" sound like in "red", then make a short "ee" sound like the end of "baby". Third syllable (ohl) Make the "oh" sound like when you say "go", then end with an "l" sound like in "light".

How to pronounce Zuphite

Master the pronunciation of "Zuphite" with our clear guide. Learn how to say this unique word correctly and confidently. Zuphite Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈzuː.faɪt/ Sounds Like (zoo-fyt) Breakdown First syllable (zoo) (stress) Start with a 'z' sound like in "zoom", followed by an 'oo' sound like in "glue". Second syllable (fyt) Begin with an 'f' sound like in "fit", then make a 'y' sound like in "my", and end with a 't' sound like in "towel".

How to pronounce Zuhf

Master the correct pronunciation of "Zuhf" with our simple guide. Learn how to say this unique word with confidence. Zuhf Pronunciation in English IPA /zʌf/ Sounds Like (zuhf) Breakdown Single syllable (zuhf) Start with a 'z' sound like in "zebra", followed by a 'uh' sound like in "cup", and end with an 'f' sound like in "fun".

How to pronounce Zorah | (biblical name))

Master the pronunciation of "Zorah" with our clear guide. Learn how to say this biblical name correctly and confidently. Zorah Pronunciation in English IPA [ˈzɔː-rə] Sounds Like (zaw-ruh) Breakdown First syllable (zaw) (stress) Start with a 'z' sound, followed by 'aw' like in "saw". Second syllable (ruh) End with a 'ruh' sound, like the 'ra' in "extra".

How to pronounce the biblical name "Zophar"

Master the correct pronunciation of "Zophar" with our clear guide. Learn how to say this biblical name accurately and confidently. Zophar Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈzoʊ.fɑːr/ Sounds Like (zoh-fahr) Breakdown First syllable (zoh) (stress) Begin with a 'z' sound, followed by the 'oh' sound like in "go". Second syllable (fahr) Start with an 'f' sound, followed by 'ah' sound like in "far", with a slight 'r' at the end.

How to pronounce Zoar

Master the pronunciation of "Zoar" - a biblical city name. Learn how to say this word correctly with our easy-to-follow guide. Zoar Pronunciation in English IPA /ˈzoʊ.ɑːr/ Sounds Like (zoh-ar) Breakdown First syllable (zoh) (stress) Begin with a 'z' sound, followed by the 'oh' sound like in "go". Second syllable (ar) Make the 'ar' sound like in "car".