
How to pronounce Kelaiah (correctly)

Kelaiah Pronunciation : keh-lay-uh Meaning : Biblical name (keh) Start with 'k' sound, followed by 'eh' sound as in "bed". (lay) Begin with 'l' sound, followed by long 'a' sound as in "day". (uh) End with 'uh' sound, like the 'a' in "about".

How to pronounce Quetzalli (correctly)

Quetzalli Pronunciation : ket-SAHL-lee (ket) Start with 'k' sound, followed by 'e' as in "pet", then a 't' sound. (SAHL) Make a 's' sound, followed by 'ah' as in "father", then an 'l' sound. (lee) Begin with an 'l' sound, followed by 'ee' sound (like the 'y' in "happy").

How to pronounce Quintavious (correctly)

Quintavious Pronunciation : kwin-TAY-vee-us (kwin) Start with 'k' sound, followed by 'w' sound, then short 'i' sound as in "win". (TAY) Emphasized syllable with long 'a' sound as in "day". (vee) 'V' sound followed by long 'e' sound as in "see". (us) Short 'u' sound as in "bus", followed by 's' sound.

How to pronounce Kiitos (correctly)

Kiitos Pronunciation : kee-tos (kee) Start with a 'k' sound, followed by a long 'ee' sound (like in "keep"). (tos) Begin with a 't' sound, followed by a short 'o' sound (like in "toss"), and end with an 's' sound.

How to pronounce Patkai (correctly)

Patkai Pronunciation : pat-kahy (pat) Start with 'p' sound, followed by short 'a' as in "cat", ending with a clear 't' sound. (kahy) Begin with a hard 'k' sound, followed by 'ai' sound like in "eye" or "sky".

How to pronounce Jaintia (correctly)

Pronunciation : jain-tee-uh (jain) Start with 'j' sound as in "jam", followed by the 'ain' sound like in "rain". (tee) A clear 't' sound followed by 'ee' as in "see". (uh) End with a soft 'uh' sound, like the 'a' in "about".

How to pronounce Harpastum (correctly)

Harpastum Pronunciation : har-pass-tum (har) Start with 'h' sound, followed by 'ar' sound as in "car". (pass) Make a 'p' sound, followed by 'ass' as in "glass". (tum) Begin with a 't' sound, followed by 'um' as in "drum".